Dodatak:Popis nizozemskih filozofa
uredi- Geulincx, Arnold (1624. - 1669.)
- Gorter, Herman (1864. – 1927.)
- Imperijalizam, Socijalna Demokracija i Svjetski rat
- Marksizam i Revizionizam
- Otvoreno pismo drugu Lenjinu
- Pan
- Grotius, Hugo (Hugo der Groot) (1583. – 1645.) – nizozemski filozof
- Defense of the Catholic Faith
- On the Truth of Christianity
- The Rights of War and Peace
uredi- Kockelmans, Joseph J. (1923.)
- Edmund Husserl's Phenomenological Psychology: A Historico-Critical Study
- Edmund Husserl's Phenomenology
- Heidegger on Art and Art Works
- Ideas for a Hermeneutic Phenomenology of the Sciences
- Phenomenology and Physical Science: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Physical Science
- Kuyper, Abraham (1837. – 1920.)
- Christianity and the Class Struggle
- In the Shadows of Death
- The Practice of Godliness
- Principles of Sacred Theology
- The Revelation of St John
- To Be Near Unto God
- The Work of the Holy Spirit
- Kwant, Remigius Lornelis
uredi- Van Den Berg, Jan Hendrik (rođen 1914.)
- The Changing Nature of Man: Introduction to a Historical Psychology
- A Different Existence: Principles of Phenomenological Psychopathology
- Divided Existence and Complex Society: An Historical Approach
- Medical Power and Medical Ethics
- The Phenomenological Approach to Psychiatry: An Introduction to Recent Phenomenological Psychopathology
- Things
- Van Fraassen, Bastiaan C. (1941. )
- An Introduction to the Philosophy of Space and Time
- Laws and Symmetry
- Quantum Mechanics: An Empiricist View
- The Scientific Image