Karađorđe: razlika između inačica

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Redak 16:
Na narodnom zboru u Orašcu, Karađorđe je izabran za vođu ustanka i tako je stao na čelo izmučenog srpskog naroda u borbi protiv Turaka. Ne može se točno reći kada je održan zbor u Orašcu, ali se uzima najčešće spomenuti nadnevak, a to je [[14. veljače]] [[1804]]. godine. Karađorđe je osobno obilazio narod i dogovarao s ostalim vođama tijek borbe i pripreme za ustanak. Kao strog i doslijedan, uživao je autoritet u narodu i među drugim vođama. Ostalo je zapisano da su ga se plašili zbog prijeke naravi i zbog spremnosti da bez kompromisa dođe do cilja. Iza njega su ostale mnoge pobjede često nad brojnijom i opremljenijom turskom vojskom.
In May 1809, the leader of Serb´s hords, DJORDJE PETROVIC (born in small village 26 km from Sjenica) known as Karadjordje ordered killing of 2500 muslim citizens. That was more than half of all inhabitants of Sjenica. During the battle Serbian hords, surrounded the muslim inhabitans in old ´town castle´. Because of the lack of food and water they start negotiation to surrend and leave the city. They made a deal to surrend and after that they can leave the city. The inhabitants, mostly muslims, surrended themselves and Serbian hords made masacre. They put their heads near the road on the wooden stakes, so that it can scare the others. This was done in few days.
Antonije Protic,chronologist, wrote in his documents about this genocide:
"Here it was not important if it is women or man, that was not known. Karadjordje ordered to his solders, to bring every head in Sjenica: And the battle is finished that way. They bring every head, but there was not enough number of wooden stake to put the all heads on them, so when they spent the all stakes, the rest of heads they put on the ground near road to look spectacle, and not less then 2500 of heads. And in this battle we did not loose many solders."
This genocide was hidden by Serbian goverment agencies during the XX century.
Nakon mira u [[Bukurešt]]u dolazi do nesloge među ljudstvom što se odrazilo i na djelovanje i akcije naroda. Karađorđe uviđa da je dalja borba uzaludna i odlučuje da [[1813]]. godine pobjegne u Austriju, ali se [[1816]]. pridružio grčkom pokretu u želji da nastavi borbu za protjerivanje Turaka. Sljedeće godine je došao tajno u Srbiju kako bi se sa [[Miloš Obrenović|Milošem Obrenovićem]] dogovorio o zajedničkoj akciji, ali je po Miloševoj naredbi ubijen u noći između [[13. srpnja|13]]. i [[14. srpnja]] [[1817]]. godine u selu Radovanju kod [[Smederevo|Smedereva]].