Els Segadors: razlika između inačica

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Redak 13:
== Himna ==
<table cellpadding=10><tr><td width = 50%>
Catalunya triomfant, ''Katalonija pobjedonosna''
Catalunya triomfant,<br>
Tornarà a ser rica i plena. ''Opet će postati bogata i obilna''
tornarà a ser rica i plena.<br>
Endarrera aquesta gent ''Otjerajte ih natrag, te ljude''
Endarrera aquesta gent<br>
Tan ufana i tan superba. ''tako uobražene i ohole.''
tan ufana i tan superba.
<td width = 50%><i>
Bon cop de falç, ''Dobar zamah srpom,''
Catalonia triumphant<br>
Bon cop de falç, ''Dobar zamah srpom,''
Shall once again be rich and bountiful,<br>
Defensors de la terra! ''Branitelji zemlje!''
Drive them back, those people<br>
Bon cop de falç! ''Dobar zamah srpom!''
So conceited and so arrogant.</i>
<tr><td width = 50%>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Defensors de la terra!<br>
Bon cop de falç!<br>
<td width = 50%><i>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
Defenders of the land!<br>
A good blow with the sickle!<br></i>
<tr><td width = 50%>
Ara és hora, segadors.<br>
Ara és hora d'estar alerta.<br>
Per quan vingui un altre juny<br>
esmolem ben bé les eines.
<td width = 50%><i>
Now is the time, reapers,<br>
Now is the time to be alert.<br>
For when another June comes,<br>
Let us sharpen our tools well.<br></i>
<tr><td width = 50%>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Defensors de la terra!<br>
Bon cop de falç!<br>
<td width = 50%><i>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
Defenders of the land!<br>
A good blow with the sickle!<br></i>
<tr><td width=50%>
Que tremoli l'enemic<br>
en veient la nostra ensenya.<br>
Com fem caure espigues d'or,<br>
quan convé seguem cadenes.
<td width =50%><i>
Let the enemy tremble<br>
On seeing our banner.<br>
Just as we cut down golden stalks of wheat,<br>
When the time is right, we shall reap chains.<ref>The verb in the Catalan original—''seguem''—is from the same root as ''segadors''; that is, they will cut the chains as they cut the crops.</ref><br></i>
<tr><td width = 50%>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Bon cop de falç,<br>
Defensors de la terra!<br>
Bon cop de falç!<br>
<td width = 50%><i>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
A good blow with the sickle,<br>
Defenders of the land!<br>
A good blow with the sickle!<br></i>