Toplinski stroj: razlika između inačica

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Redak 3:
<!-- {{Thermodynamics|cTopic=[[Thermodynamic system|Systems]]}}
{{Pogledaj|Thermodynamic cycle}} -->
U [[Termodinamika|termodinamici]], toplinski stroj je sustav koji vrši pretvorbu [[topline]] u [[mehanički rad]].<ref>''Fundamentals of Classical Thermodynamics'', 3rd ed. p. 159, (1985) by G.J. Van Wylen and R.E. Sonntag: "A heat engine may be defined as a device that operates in a thermodynamic cycle and does a certain amount of net positive work as a result of heat transfer from a high-temperature body and to a low-temperature body. Often the term heat engine is used in a broader sense to include all devices that produce work, either through heat transfer or combustion, even though the device does not operate in a thermodynamic cycle. The internal-combustion engine and the gas turbine are examples of such devices, and calling these heat engines is an acceptable use of the term."</ref><ref>''Mechanical efficiency of heat engines'', p. 1 (2007) by James R. Senf: "Heat engines are made to provide mechanical energy from thermal energy."</ref> To postiže spuštanjem visoke [[temperature]] radne tvari na nižu . Izvor topline proizvodi toplinsku energiju pomoću koje radna tvar postiže visoku temperaturu. Radna tvar proizvodi rad u "[[Thermodynamic system|radnom tijelu]]" stroja za vrijeme [[prijenosa topline|transferring heat]] do hladnijeg "[[Heat sink|sink]]"spremnika sve dok se ne ohladi na nižu temperaturu. Tijekom procesa jedan dio toplinske energije se pretvara u [[energy|rad]] iskorištavanjem svojstava radne tvari. Radna tvar može biti bilo koji sustav s [[toplinskim kapacitetom]] različitim od nule, a obično je to plin ili tekućina.
U principu [[motor]] pretvara energiju u mehanički [[Work (physics)|rad]]. Toplinski strojevi se razlikuju od drugih vrsta strojeva po tome što je njihova korisnost fundamentalno ograničena [[Carnot's theorem (thermodynamics)|Carnotovim teoremom]].<ref>''Thermal physics: entropy and free energies'', by Joon Chang Lee (2002), Appendix A, p. 183: "A heat engine absorbs energy from a heat source and then converts it into work for us.","When the engine absorbs heat energy, the absorbed heat energy comes with entropy." (heat energy <math>\Delta Q=T \Delta S</math>), "When the engine performs work, on the other hand, no entropy leaves the engine. This is problematic. We would like the engine to repeat the process again and again to provide us with a steady work source.[..] In order to do so, the working substance inside the engine must return to its initial thermodynamic condition after a cycle, which requires to remove the remaining entropy. The engine can do this only in one way. It must let part of the absorbed heat energy leave without converting it into work. Therefore the engine cannot convert all of the input energy into work!"</ref> Iako ova ograničenja efikasnosti mogu biti nedostatak, prednost toplinskih strojeva je da se većina oblika energije može lako pretvoriti u toplinu procesima poput egzotermnih reakcija [[egzotermnih reakcija]] (kao npr. izgaranje), [[Absorption (electromagnetic radiation)|absorpcija]] svjetlosti ili energetskih čestica, trenja, rasipanja i Electrical električnog otpora. Budući da izvor topline koji dobavlja toplinsku energiju do motora može biti opskrbljivan gotovo svakom vrstom energije, toplinski strojevi su jako raznovrsni i imaju širok raspon primjene.