Polet: razlika između inačica

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Redak 21:
Omladinski listovi izlazili su i prije, ali nisu bili čitani (osim ''[[Omladinski tjednik|Omladinskog tjednika]]''), tako da su često mijenjali imena i prestajali izlaziti. ''Polet'', tadašnje glasilo [[Savez socijalističke omladine Hrvatske|Saveza socijalističke omladine Hrvatske]] – nakon stanke od [[1969]]. ponovo je počeo izlaziti [[1976]]. s novom redakcijom i glavnim urednikom [[Pero Kvesić|Perom Kvesićem]].
Polet was very liberal and thanks to Predrag Figenwald even provocative, though it was officially "Socialist Youth Magazine". How could this contradiction occur?
Tito was losing the grip on power, due to health issues, and the push for multiparty political system followed. The leadership of communist party was hoping that people would simply want "Tito's heirs", and that one party system would therefore remain, president chosen by central committee of communist party, rather than general elections.
Lot of people couldn't agree with that, and the communist party leaders tried to understand why is that so - what kind of change people want?
Economy was relatively good (surely better than in any other socialist country) and they concluded that the change desired by citizenship is spiritual more than material - liberalisation.
Everything after that is history, "Polet" history that is: leaders of communist party decided to give the official "Socialist Youth Magazine" to editors who weren't socialists at all. Those one party leaders wanted to change the image of socialism, to make people believe that "socialism is liberalism" and that elections are therefore not needed.This trick ultimately didn't help them, public understood that "Polet" was formally "socialist mag", while really being liberal and thanks to Predrag Figenwald even provocative.
Redakcija je veći broj stranica ''Poleta'' posvetila temama koje su onda zanimale mlade: [[strip]]u, [[rock]]u, fotografiji, [[film]]u i raznim oblicima [[supkultura|supkulture]]. Recept je upalio i list se počeo prodavati u ozbiljnim tiražama, i postao od dosadnoga suhoparnoga [[politika|političkog]] glasila doista rado čitana [[novine|novinā]]. Tome su pridonijeli i mladi [[grafika|grafički]] urednici ([[Goran Trbuljak]],<ref>[http://www.jutarnji.hr/kad-je-polet-osisao-cupka--rodio-se-doni/205713/ Kad je ''Polet'' ošišao Čupka, rodio se Đoni]</ref> [[Mirko Ilić]], [[Ivan Doroghi]]) koji su veću pažnju posvetili vizualnom (fotografiji i [[ilustracija]]ma). ''Polet'' je bio promotor [[Novi val|Novoga vala]] u [[rock]] glazbi,<ref>[http://povijest.net/sadrzaj/hrvatska/sr-hrvatska/749-od-qnovog-valaq-do-nove-drave-4.html Od "novog vala" do nove države (4)]</ref> reobnove stripa i fotografije (okupio je cijelu plejadu mladih fotografa oko sebe).