Dom naroda Parlamenta Federacije Bosne i Hercegovine: razlika između inačica

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→‎Barry: dodan citat
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=== Barry ===
{{Quote box
| quote = ''Mnogo tjedana prije izbora znao sam da vodstvo HDZ-a planira neku vrstu snažne akcije kako bi se vratila podrška birača koji su apstinirali lokalne izbore u travnju. Pravila OESS-a, kada su donešena, zapravo nisu sadržavala ništa novo. Ante Jelavić je bio taj koji je tražio promjenu pravila. Na kraju mu se nije svidjela promjena, ali pravila su bila uključena u nacrt Izbornog zakona. '''Ideja je bila da onaj tko brani interese Hrvata''' ne mora nužno biti HDZ-ov političar, da '''može biti''' političar druge stranke, Hrvat iz SDP-a ili čak, idealno govoreći, '''netko tko nije iz hrvatske zajednice''', ali bi pravedno branio prava svih građana. '''Pokušavamo razviti''' građansko društvo, '''građansku državu'''. To je koncept, koji prevladava u ostatku Europe i koji je potpuno suprotan kolektivističkom pristupu, kojeg njeguju HDZ i druge nacionalističke stranke. '''Stoga se radi o stvarima koje su dublje od odluke o promjeni pravila'''.''
| source = W. Petritsch za Jutarnji list<ref> - Intervju u Jutarnjem listu s Wolfgangom Petritschom: [ Jelavić je izabran, neka sada započne raditi za svoje birače] 28. studenog 2000., pristupljeno 21. prosinca 2018. {{citat2|Many weeks before the elections I knew that the HDZ leadership was planning a sort of a strong action to restore the support of the voters who abstained from the local elections in April. The OSCE rules, when they were passed, actually contained nothing new. Mr. Ante Jelavic was the one who requested a change of the rules. He did not like the change eventually, but the rules were included in the Draft Election Law. The idea was that one who defends the Croats' interests does not necessarily have to be an HDZ politician, that it can be a politician from another party, a Croat from the SDP, or even, speaking in ideal terms, someone who is not from the Croat community but would equitably defend the rights of all the citizens. We are trying to develop a civic society, a civic state. It is the concept that prevails in the rest of Europe and which is completely opposite to the collectivist approach nourished by the HDZ and other nationalist parties. Therefore, this is about the things that are deeper than the decision on the change of the rules.}}</ref>
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