Štrajk: razlika između inačica

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Redak 16:
Prvi poznati štrajk je 12. stoljeća pr. Kr. u Egiptu [[Ramzes III.|Ramzesa III.]] prilikom građevinskih radova. Događaj je sačuvan na [[papirus]]u i detaljno opisuje tijek štrajka.<ref>John Romer, ''Ancient Lives; the story of the Pharaoh's Tombmakers. London'': Phoenix Press, 1984, pp. 116-123 See also E.F. Wente, "A letter of complaint to the Vizier To", in ''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'', 20, 1961 and W.G. Edgerton , "The strikes in Ramses III's Twenty-ninth year", ''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'', 9, 1950.</ref>
Engleska riječ "štrajk" prvi put pojavila 1768. kada su mornari u potporu prosvjedima u [[London]]u "udarili" ili otklonili najviša jedra trgovačkih brodova u luci <ref>[http://www.hyperhistory.org/index.php?option=displaypage&Itemid=746&op=page National Centre for History Education - Commonwealth History Project :: ozhistorybytes - Issue Eight: The History of Words - Strike<!-- Bot generated title -->]</ref><ref>"A body of sailors..proceeded..to Sunderland.., and at the cross there read a paper, setting forth their grievances... After this they went on board the several ships in that harbour, and struck (lowered down) their yards, in order to prevent them from proceeding to sea." (''Ann. Reg.'' 92, 1768), quoted in ''Oxford English Dictionary'', 2nd ed., s.v. "strike, v.," sense 17; see also sense 24.</ref>
Službene publikacije obično rabe nepristrane izraze kao "obustava rada" ili "spor".