Francuski i irokeški ratovi: razlika između inačica

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Redak 23:
Do 1630-ih su Irokezi postali u potpunosti naoružani sa europskim oružjem. Njega su si priskrbili trgovinom sa Nizozemcima. Potom su pošli primijeniti svoja znanja rukovanja sa arkebuzom ------- with the arquebus to good effect in their continuing wars with the Algonquins, Hurons, and other traditional enemies. The French, meanwhile, had outlawed the trading of firearms to their native allies, though arquebuses were occasionally given as gifts to individuals who converted to [[Christianity]]. Although the initial focus of the Iroquois attacks were their traditional enemies (the Algonquins, [[Mahican]]s, [[Montagnais]], and Hurons), the alliance of these tribes with the French quickly brought the Iroquois into fierce and bloodly conflict with the European colonists themselves.
Neki povjesničari su dokazivali da je ratove intezivirala rastuće izumiranje [[američki dabar|dabara]] u zemljama koje su kontrolirali Irokezi polovicom 17. stoljeća. U vrijeme sukoba, Irokezi su nastanjavali područja današnjeg New Yorka južno od [[jezero Ontario|jezera Ontario]] i zapadno od [[Hudson|rijeke Hudson]]. Irokezi su obuhvaćali jedan narodni otok, okružen sa svim strana narodima koji su govorili algonkinski, uključujući i [[Shawnee]]je na zapadu u zemlji Ohio, kao i [[irokeški jezik|irokeškogovorne]] ------- Hurone na sjeveeru duž rijeke sv. Lovrijenca, ali koji nisu bili dijelom Irokeške konfederacije.
Some historians have argued that the wars were accelerated by the growing scarcity of the [[American Beaver|beaver]] in the lands controlled by the Iroquois in the middle 17th century. At the time of the conflict, the Iroquois inhabited a region of present-day [[New York]] south of [[Lake Ontario]] and west of the [[Hudson River]]. The Iroquois lands comprised an ethnic island, surrounded on all sides by Algonquian-speaking Nations, including the [[Shawnee]] to the west in the Ohio Country, as well as by [[Iroquoian]]-speaking Huron on the north along the St. Lawrence River, who were not part of the Iroquois Confederation.
With the establishment of Dutch trading posts in the Hudson in the 1620s, the Iroquois, and in particular the Mohawk, had come to rely on the trade for the purchase of firearms and other European goods. The introduction of firearms, however, had accelerated the decline of the beaver population such that by [[1640.]] the animal had largely disappeared from the Hudson Valley. The center of the fur trade thus shifted northward to the colder regions along the St. Lawrence River, controlled by the Hurons, who were the close trading partners of the French in [[New France]]. The Iroquois, who considered themselves to be the most civilized and advanced people of the region, found themselves displaced in the fur trade by other nations in the region. Threatened by disease and with a declining population, the Iroquois began an aggressive campaign to expand their area of control.