Francuski i irokeški ratovi: razlika između inačica

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Redak 36:
Nako propalog mirovnog sporazuma kojeg je dogovorio poglavica [[Canaqueese]], irokeški zaraćenici su se premjestili sjevernije, duž obala jezera [[Champlain]] i rijeke [[Richelieu (rijeka)|Richelieu]], blokiravši i napadajući [[Montreal]]. Tipični napad na izoliranu farmu ili naselbinu je izgledao tako što bi napadačka skupina se kretala brzo i tiho kroz šuma, upadajući iznenada, vitlajući [[tomahawk|tomahawcima]] i nožem za [[skalpiranje]], napadajući stanovnike. U nekim slučajima, zarobljenici su bili odvedeni u irokeške krajeve. U slučajima zarobljenih žena i djece, isti su bili uključeni u Irokeze.
Iako takvi upadi nisu bili pojavom sveudilj, kada su se zbili, širili su strah među stanovnicima Nove Francuske te se naseljenici nisu ćutili sigurnima, odnosno, ćutili su se bespomoćnima za spriječiti ih. Neki od narodnih junaka francuskogovornih Kanađana su pojedinci koji su se suprotstavili tim napadima, kao što su [[Dollard des Ormeaux]], koji je poginuo u svibnju [[1660.]] opirući se irokeškom upadu kod [[Long Sault]]a na sutoci rijeka St. Lawrence i [[Ottawa (rijeka)|Ottawe]]. Svojom žrtvom je spasio Montreal. Još jedan od takvih junaka je bila [[Madeleine de Verchères]], koja je [[1692.]] u dobi od 14 godina predvodila obranu njene obitelji od irokeškog napada.
Although such raids were by no means constant, when they occurred they were terrifying to the inhabitants of New France, and the colonists initially felt helpless to prevent them. Some of the heroes of French-Canadian folk memory are of individuals who stood up to such attacks, such as [[Dollard des Ormeaux]], who died in May [[1660.]] while resisting an Iroquois raiding force at the [[Long Sault]] at the confluence of the St. Lawrence and the [[Ottawa River]]s. He succeeded in saving Montreal by his sacrifice. Another such hero was [[Madeleine de Verchères]], who in [[1692.]] at age 14 led the defence of her family farm against Iroquois attack.
==Irokeška ekspanzija na zapadu==
At the same time that the Iroquois were attacking northward, they also began a major expansion to the west along Great Lakes. By 1650., they controlled a region of North America extending from the [[Virginia Colony]] in the south up to the St. Lawrence. In the west, the Iroquois engaged in a wide-ranging campaign of conquest. Led by the [[Senecas]], Iroquois war parties first destroyed the powerful Neutral Confederacy, a nation located in southern Ontario that had been reckoned numerically equal to the Iroquois but lacked European firearms. They next annihilated another sizable confederacy known as the Eries or ''Nation of the Cat'' who had occupied the shores of [[Lake Erie]]. Then, they drove the Algonquin-speaking Shawnee out of the Ohio Country and seized control of the [[Illinois Country]] as far west as the Mississippi River.