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Ame71, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskome jeziku, započetu 16. veljače 2003. godine – slobodnu enciklopediju!

Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije na hrvatskome standardnom jeziku.

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Vlastitu suradničku stranicu (onu koja se zove "Suradnik:Ame71") možete uređivati po svojoj želji u skladu s pravilima uređivanja suradničke stranice (npr. asketski ili šminkerski).

Molimo Vas, ne stavljajte zaštićene radove bez dopuštenja! Nemojte izravno kopirati sadržaje s drugih internetskih stranica ako nemate izričito dopuštenje. Ako imate dopuštenje, napišite to na stranici za razgovor ili jednostavno dodajte ovdje. No, obvezno to napravite prije nego započnete s pisanjem preuzetog teksta. Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju dvojno licencirani, pod Creative Commons Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima 3.0 i GFDL licencijom. Ako ne želite da se vaše pisanje nemilosrdno uređuje i slobodno raspačava, nemojte ga ovamo slati. Također nam obećavate da ćete ono što ćete napisati sami napisati, ili ćete to prepisati iz nečeg što je u javnom vlasništvu ili pod sličnom slobodnom licencijom.

If you don't speak Croatian: This is a welcome message sent to new users of hr.wikipedia.

Još jednom, dobro došli! --Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 16:20, 22. veljače 2019. (CET)Odgovor

Hrvatska liga - Istok


Hvala ti zbilja što stavljaštablice liga, za vrijeme FNRJ/SFRJ.
Samo, bili mi ostavio da ja dovršim sezone Hrvatske lige - Istok, s obzirom da imam dosta izvora za ove zsezone (razne monografdije klubova), ali nikako da to završim.... (a bio sam dosta toga stavio negdje 2020. i početak 2021.)
baš Sportnet-ov forum admini mogu opovrgnuti kao izvor...
samo nastavi, a možeš mi ostaviti i mail, pa ti pošaljem materijala, ili vež nekako....
Srdačan pozfdrav, Cybermb (razgovor) 23:40, 7. rujna 2022. (CEST)Odgovor

Suradnička stranica


Lijepo te pozdravlja, Koreanovsky (Ča–Kaj–Što?!) 08:47, 8. rujna 2022. (CEST)Odgovor

Re:Hrvatska liga - Istok


Napravit ću, ti samo nastavi, ja ću nadopisati izvore ako ti nemaš,
staviti ću punu tablicu, ali danas neću moći...vjerojatnije u subotu (10.09.)
Cybermb (razgovor) 13:01, 8. rujna 2022. (CEST)Odgovor



  Dobro došli na Wikipediju! Drago nam je što doprinosite Wikipediji, no skrećemo pozornost na činjenicu da je službeni jezik na hrvatskoj Wikipediji − hrvatski jezik. Želite li pisati na nekom drugom jeziku, molimo vas odaberite odgovarajuću inačicu Wikipedije gdje je taj jezik službeni. Hvala na razumijevanju.--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 23:55, 8. srpnja 2023. (CEST)Odgovor

Prečesto snimanje


Ame, nama bi pomoglo kad ne bi snimao baš svaku izmjenu svake 2 minute. Softver će kod tebe u pregledniku sačuvati izmjene čak i ako se sve sruši. Jednom u 10-15 minuta je OK. Imaš sad u uređivaču tipku koja ti pokazuje stranicu u stvarnom vremenu dok je uredjujes. Tipka je, mislim, gore desno. Podijelit će prozor na dva dijela. ponor (razgovor) 19:12, 30. kolovoza 2023. (CEST)Odgovor

@Ponor, suradnik je s i nisam siguran da razumije hrvatski. Ame71, today I wanted to ask you if you spoke Croatian. If not, I am really impressed by the state of Google Translate's translations or whatever translator you're using. – Croxyz💬 19:37, 30. kolovoza 2023. (CEST)Odgovor
Vidim da je Ame već mogao biti samoophođen, ali nisam aktivirao: Wikipedija:Prijedlozi za dodjelu prava/Arhiv 2022#Ame71. ponor (razgovor) 19:40, 30. kolovoza 2023. (CEST)Odgovor
Bok, ja sam Talijan i uglavnom radim na Supruga mi je Hrvatica, a ja znam izgovoriti jednostavne rečenice na hrvatskom jeziku, za one složenije koristim prevoditelj. Iz tog razloga se posvećujem tablicama na —Ame71 (razgovor). 20:39, 30. kolovoza 2023. (CEST)Odgovor
Ame, sve je to u redu. Mi tebe još patroliramo, a kada često snimaš netko mora i po 100 puta stisnuti "patrol". Slobodno uređuj tablice (i sve drugo), samo nemoj snimati toliko često. (vidi: m:Community Wishlist Survey 2021/Real Time Preview for Wikitext - Preview = Pretpregled) Možda ću te promovirati u autopatrolled, vidjet ću još. Sretno, ponor (razgovor) 14:46, 31. kolovoza 2023. (CEST)Odgovor

FK Kolubara Lazarevac


ja sam počeo raditi članak FK Kolubara Lazarevac, a sad vidim da na tvojoj stranici za vježbanje si počeo pripremu za članak za isti klub. Već kad sam stvorio članak, mogu li iskoristiti išta od tvog teksta, te da ga dalje uređujem kako inače radim članke o nogometnim klubovima?
Srdačan pozdrav
Cybermb (razgovor) 08:30, 3. siječnja 2024. (CET)Odgovor

OK, nastavim ja s Kolubarom, bilo bi bolje da članak bude FK Srem Srijemska Mitrovica, a potom stvoriš FK Srem Sremska Mitrovica pa njegovo preusmjerenje na FK Srem Srijemska Mitrovica
imam neki plan dugoročno stvoriti članke za preostale klubove koji su se natjecali u Superligi Srbije, a vidim da ti radiš za one koji su se natjecali u drugoj saveznoj ligi SFRJ/FNRJ
Vjerojatno si primijetio da u Kategorija:Srbijanski nogometni klubovi ukoliko smo radili podkategorije za klubove po okruzima Srbije ukoliko imamo tri ili više kluba po okrugu
Samo nastavi
Cybermb (razgovor) 09:34, 3. siječnja 2024. (CET)Odgovor
Ovo za Prvu saveznu ligu' (a i kasnije Međurepubličke i još nešto, pa dosta ljestvica 1. HNL, 2. HNL i još neke lige) je rađeno uglavnom negdje 2007.- 2009. i nije baš dirano otad, ima grešaka, tad se moglo "i bez izvora". Tablice su tad rađene uglavnom preko zaglavlja/stila/predloška prettytable , mislim da je wikitable kasnije uveden, i još za svaku ćeliju je išlo u jedan red po kodu, (mjesto da jedan red tablice bude u 1-2 reda koda), nešto sam bio uređivao, ali sam uglavnom odustao, ima dosta posla oko toga, pa dok "stoji - stoji".
Cybermb (razgovor) 10:10, 3. siječnja 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Sezone Prve savezne lige - klubovi


Super što radiš članke za sezone Prve savezne lige, kao Prva savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1953./54., Prva savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1964./65., odnosno vidljivo iz tvojih započetih stranica
Međutim, primijetio sam da u tablicama, malo nekonzistetno stavljaš klubove, uz neke stavljaš grad iz kojeg su ( Dinamo Zagreb, Hajduk Split, Radnički Beograd, Proleter Osijek, Sutjeska Nikšić, itd.), ali za druge ne stavljaš gradove, iako je to na hr. wikipediji (pa i u medijima) uobičajeno (odnosno Crvena zvezda mjesto Crvena zvezda Beograd, Partizan mjesto Partizan Beograd, Vojvodina mjesto Vojvodina Novi Sad, Željezničar mjesto Željezničar Sarajevo, Budućnost mjesto Budućnost Titograd - ispod staviti napomenu da je Titograd tadašnji naziv za Podgoricu, itd.)
Pa ako možeš to malo izmijeni i za buduće članke probaš tako, da se ne mora naknadno ispravljati....(naravno ako je ime greada vidljivo iz samog imena kluba...ostaviš kako jest - Rijeka, Sarajevo, Maribor, Osijek, Bor, Novi Sad, itd..)
Pozdrav, Cybermb (razgovor) 07:29, 5. veljače 2024. (CET)Odgovor

@Cybermb Gledao sam kako izgledaju neke druge stranice na pa sam "Crvena zvezda" i "Partizan" napisao bez grada. U redu, dodat ću ga sa sljedeće stranice. U smo navikli ne uključivati ​​grad ako je tim poznat.--Ame71 (razgovor). 08:47, 5. veljače 2024. (CET)Odgovor
primijetio sam na, primjerice 1961–62 Yugoslav First League, ali ako ideš po starim izmjenama (od 2005.), vidi se da su mijenjali oblik i sadržaj tablica
naravno, i mi na smo malo nekonzistetni - primjer HNL 2022./23.
ali možeš vidjeti kako radim ljestvice za najviše lige ostalih HRV prvenstava u drugim športovima, primjerice Superliga Hrvatske u odbojci za žene 2021./22., ali prvenstvo se igra liga, pa potom doigravanje; ili 1. HRL za žene 2021./22. - igra se sasmo ligaški dio - uglavnom u početnom odjeljku klubovi (sa sjedištima / gradovima), a u ljestvici samo nazivi klubova (bez imena gradova / sjedišta...)
Cybermb (razgovor) 09:41, 5. veljače 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Cybermb Napravio sam stranicu Prva savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1965./66. ostavljajući neke timove (Crvena zvezda, Partizan, itd.) kao i do sada. Ubacio sam popis sudionika i kartu kao i vi u 1. HRL za žene 2021./22.--Ame71 (razgovor). 07:09, 7. veljače 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Cybermb Imam problem: u karti SCG na stranici Prva liga SR Jugoslavije u nogometu 1995./96. u blizini su tri grada. Volio bih Mladost Lučani staviti na “top” ili “bottom”, ali ne mogu. Kako mogu napraviti? --Ame71 (razgovor). 16:48, 26. ožujka 2024. (CET)Odgovor
meni se to također povremeno događalo, ovo sa "top" i "bototm" se i meni događalo da mi uopće ne prikaže dobro, ili izbaci poziciju dalje od željene. Stoga su se i meni događala takva preklapanja kao 2. HNL 2020./21. ili A1 liga Košarkaškog saveza Herceg-Bosne 2017./18. - po meni bolje staviti kao nekakav naziv i onda sa strane (kao što si radio sa BG klubovima, pa da izgleda kao nešto ovako: Superliga Hrvatske u odbojci za žene 2021./22.
Cybermb (razgovor) 07:43, 28. ožujka 2024. (CET)Odgovor



Nije mi jasno zašto ste ovdje dodali tu kategoriju kad ta državna zajednica tada još nije bila osnovana?--Tulkas Astaldo (razgovor) 08:21, 21. ožujka 2024. (CET)Odgovor

@Tulkas Astaldo Učinio sam to jer je na stranici Prva liga Srbije i Crne Gore u nogometu bila i sezona 1991./92.--Ame71 (razgovor). 09:18, 21. ožujka 2024. (CET)Odgovor
Razumijem. Međutim, recimo ovdje se navodi da je državna prvenstva Zvezda 1994./95., 1999./00., 2000./01. osvojila u SR Jugoslaviji, a 2003./04., 2005./06. u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, što mi je i logično. Dakle, ne vidim razloga za preklapanje tih dvaju natjecanja, tj ne vidim razloga za ovu promjenu. Imate li neki razlog za navedenu promjenu osim ovog koji ste gore naveli? — Prethodni nepotpisani komentar napisao je Tulkas Astaldo (razgovordoprinosi)
@Tulkas Astaldo Ne, nemam drugih razloga, samo sam to učinio da se uskladim sa spomenutom stranicom. Nema problema s poništavanjem moje promjene.--Ame71 (razgovor). 05:16, 22. ožujka 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Frequent saving


Ciao Ame71. Last August I asked for the reasons for your frequent saves, but somehow we never got the answer. The thing is, you're not autopatrolled on this wiki (because you're, obviously, not a native speaker), which means that for your every save someone needs to open up the diff and mark the change as patrolled (see here). That's some 50 to 100 patroller actions every day! I don't see why anyone would save every minute change, as the software will recover them even if your browser crashes (there's a user preferences setting for that). I kindly ask you to save less frequently. That's what we expect from all our users — {{NS-prikaži1}} {{NS-prikaži2}} {{NS-prikaži!}}. Another option is to treat you as autopatrolled, but you'll have to promise you'll only work in your own sandbox(es), and report all mainspace edits to Croxyz, who's been kind enough to copy edit your articles. I hope you understand. Let me know which option you like better. Sincerely, ponor (razgovor) 03:54, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Ponor You're right, but I'm doing it only in my sandbox. I don't use this way in creating new pages or modifying others... --Ame71 (razgovor). 04:05, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
It's all the same to our patrollers, we need to patrol every change. Imagine having to press the same button 100 times in a day just to remove your sandbox edits from our unpatrolled edits list.
Preferenze → Abilita la funzione Edit Recovery. Or option #2: only work in your sandbox, I'll promote you, but communicate every article change to Croxyz. ponor (razgovor) 04:16, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Ponor Just did it.--Ame71 (razgovor). 04:25, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
OK. I hate to ask for this, but we have to be mindful of our patrollers' time. I hope you understand. Were you a native speaker, none of this would be a problem, but Croxyz complained about having to work on your articles and I cannot make you autopatrolled any momre. Really, really sorry! ponor (razgovor) 04:33, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Ponor Ok.--Ame71 (razgovor). 04:53, 23. lipnja 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Newfound tables/participating clubs


If I have the time and energy, I'll make a list of every table that's currently missing on it./ that I found online. As mentioned previously, I managed to find some tables from lower tier Bosnia and Herzegovina and Vojvodina clubs. Right now I managed to find some lower tier Serbian tables. Do you know Cyrillic? If not I can latinise the tables for you. – Croxyz💬 23:57, 4. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Here's what I managed to find tonight:
Source: Milorad Sijić, FK Napredak, Kragujevac, 2020.
Croxyz💬 00:26, 5. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

P.S. I don't know if I ever sent you this (missing seasons from NK Maksimir's website which you used in the past):

Name of league/season New article? Should be added to Source
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1926./27. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1926./27. [1]
III. A razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1927./28. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1927./28. [2]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1928./29. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1928./29. [3]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1929./30. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1929./30. [4]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1930./31. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1930./31. [5]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1931./32. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1931./32. [6]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1932./33. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1932./33. [7]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1933./34. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1933./34. [8]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1934./35. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1934./35. [9]
III. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1935./36. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1935./36. [10]
II. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1936./37. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1936./37. [11]
II. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1937./38. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1937./38. [12]
II. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1938./39. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1938./39. [13]
I. B razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1939./40. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1939./40. [14]
II. razred Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1940./41. Prvenstvo Zagrebačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1940./41. [15]
II. razred nogometnog Prvenstva Zagreba 1951. II. razred nogometnog Prvenstva Zagreba 1951. [16]

Vrbas has two books: [17][18] which contain missing Vojvodina seasons (mentioned previously).

Željezničar also has a book ([[19]]). I didn't check if any of the pre-WW2 seasons were missing. All post WW2 seasons are documented on Wiki. – Croxyz💬 00:43, 5. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Croxyz It's good, now i'm improving the pages of 2nd dvision, then I'll manage the 3rd one. Thanks for the links.--Ame71 (razgovor). 07:00, 5. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
These past few days I've slowly been building Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori, an uncomplete list of online resources for Yugoslav football history. A large percentage of these have been found in your and Cybermb's articles, although keep in mind that I haven't listed all sources since I don't know them. Fell free to expand the list for us and future use (future editors and readers). I might publish this list once somewhere else with a different name. I've started compiling it several days ago to assist you with articles on 3rd and 4th divisions. I've noticed that a lot of seasons are missing on Croatian and Italian Wikis (especially pre-WW2 ones). I wrote several of these seasons these past few days. I'll probably write only a portion of the post-WW2 seasons from Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori. I plan on focusing seasons from here since a lot of seasons are missing (and possibly a table for FK Budućnost Banovići). – Croxyz💬 21:34, 20. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz Well done, it will be useful for me when i'll improve the 3rd division pages.--Ame71 (razgovor). 22:58, 20. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor



I just wanted to share one of my experiences dealing with modern sources. I commonly find sources (e.g. Sveta Klara in this source: [20]) that mention placenames that include the words Sveti/Sveta/Sveto (saint in m./f./n. gender). In post-WW2 Yugoslavia (and other socialist states) the words Sveti/Sveta/Sveto were dropped from placenames. These names were sometimes additionally changed (e.g. Sveti Ivan Zelina was called Zelina). – Croxyz💬 00:32, 19. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Croxyz I didn't know that, but I'm not surprised. Also ethnical or bourgeois names disappeared. As after 1991 disappeared the "Tito" ones (example Titov Vrbas, Titova Mitrovica...).--Ame71 (razgovor). 06:57, 19. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Errors on Italian Wikipedia


The 3rd placed club on it:Zonske lige 1968-1969#Tuzla is listed as Jedinstvo Odžak. The source simply lists it as Jedinstvo. The club in question is Jedinstvo Brčko (for some reason the club wasn't promoted even though it won the league in the past season). The winner of it:Zonske lige 1969-1970#Tuzla is listed as Jedinstvo Odžak instead of Jedinstvo Bosanski Novi (some sources list it as Jedinstvo Novi Grad which is an incorrect name as the city was called Bosnaski Novi prior to the collapse of Yugoslavia). I can't find information about the club on the internet (probably defunct or renamed). It played in Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1960./61. and Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1961./62. where it was falsely listed as Jedinstvo Novi Grad up to a few minutes ago. I found these errors by using this website. So far I haven't seen any other errors which makes the forum posts reliable/trustworthy. I think it would be the best that you correct the errors since I don't know in which articles it could be present (e.g. on the history sections of clubs that participated in the league those seasons or in tables like NK Maksimir's). – Croxyz💬 12:59, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

In places such as it:Zonske lige 1970-1971#Tuzla Borac Šamac should be referred to as Borac Bosanski Šamac. The name of this city was also changed, just like Bosanski Novi's. – Croxyz💬 13:02, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I forgot to mention that according to this website it:Zonske lige 1968-1969#Tuzla should be called Grupa A Prve zone (the site calls it A grupa Prve zone which is grammatically incorrect). Grupa A Prve zone is translated in English as Group A of the First zone. 2. LEGA NORD is likely the first zone with this league (the Tuzla one) being group A. Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori might provide information on other group names (didn't check it as I am busy checking the factual correctness of Italian Wikipedia tables). During the next seasons (see Italian Wikipedia) the league is called Bosansko-sjeveroistočna zona (Bosnian-northeast zone and not Northeastern Bosnian zone). – Croxyz💬 13:14, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
We should also correct these names on Croatian Wikipedia (for example in the 2nd division season articles). – Croxyz💬 13:17, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Do you know which division (e.g. 3rd, 4th, 5th etc.) is Sjeveroistočna zona 1973./74.? It isn't listed on it:Zonske lige 1972-1973. – Croxyz💬 13:48, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz Sjeveroistočna zona 1973./74. was the 4th level as in summer 1973 Jedinstvena BiH liga was formed. Thanks for Jedinstvo Odžak/Brčko : I corrected that. About Borac Bosanski Šamac, do you think I'd have to change in "Borac B. Šamac" till 1991 and "Borac Šamac" later? I can change the template (predložak) of the club in I know the change of the league name in "Grupa A Prve zone", but I prefered to keep going with "Tuzlanska zona" because it's easier to understand for an Italian.--Ame71 (razgovor). 18:03, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I'm not sure about what year to use for (Bosanski) Šamac. I tried looking for a source but found nothing except the first sentence of sh:Šamac (1992). – Croxyz💬 20:41, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Are you sure that NK Odžak 102 and Jedinstvo Odžak are the same club? – Croxyz💬 22:58, 22. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz I thought they are, aren't they? I haven't found other clubs in Odžak, so I thought they were the same club.--Ame71 (razgovor). 06:54, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz in this page an user says "U Bosanskom Novom nije nikad postojalo Jedinstvo.PRVAK ove lige je najvjerovatnije bilo Jedinstvo iz Odzaka!!!!". I don't know if it's true, but I see Bosanski Novi town was in Banjalučka zona, not Tuzlanska one.--Ame71 (razgovor). 07:19, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz In the end of the 50's I see Bih republican leagues were renamed "zone": in 1958 Banja Luka and Tuzla were the 1st zone, Zenica and Sarajevo the 2nd, Hercegovina the 3rd. In 1959 Banja Luka-Tuzla was the 2nd zone and Zenica-Sarajevo the 1st one. If Tuzlanska zona in 1968./69. was "Grupa A Prve zone", I suppose Sarajevo was "Grupa B Prve zone", Banja Luka "Grupa A Druge zone", Tuzla "Grupa B Druge zone" and Hercegovina "Trece zone". But I can't find the sources.--Ame71 (razgovor). 07:35, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor has this article: bs:FK Jedinstvo Odžak. The club has a Facebook profile. Looks like today it's a club for kids. – Croxyz💬 21:37, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
According to Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1960./61. Jedinstvo Bosanski Novi (Novi Grad) did in fact exist according to the forum source. @Cybermb might check the other source, Godišnjak Fudbalskog saveza Jugoslavije 1960-61, if he still owns it. – Croxyz💬 21:51, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Cybermb's table in Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1961./62. contains Jedinstvo Bosanski Novi (Novi Grad). The table is made from 2 sources. – Croxyz💬 23:39, 23. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
At the moment I am writing FK Budućnost Banovići's table. What should I call the 1952./53. season? – Croxyz💬 00:41, 25. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Also keep in mind that I created all of these articles presented in the table from already existing articles and the club's own website. I haven't used the forum (Ligaški vremeplov) at all. If you want, fell free to find the missing season and complete info for seasons like Međuopćinska nogometna liga Tuzla 1978./79.Croxyz💬 01:07, 25. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
On the forum I found the name of the 1952./53. season. It seems that the club created its pages based on the forum (Ligaški vremeplov) meaning that some of the seasons have uncompleted tables! No wonder the club's website calls its history section Vremeplov. This explains the Jedinstvo Odžak/Bosanski Novi problem. Looks like I'll have to check every article to see if it has a complete table. Here's a list of forum pages for seasons that currently don't reference it (some seasons are listed repeatedly, I only listed the first appearence of each season):
Croxyz💬 02:46, 25. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I actually don't know what to call the 1952/53 season for Budućnost Banovići. Nogometno prvenstvo Jugoslavije – 3. ligaški rang 1952./53. + forum linkCroxyz💬 00:20, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
The 1959/60 table confuses me. Why would teams in a 9 team league play 17 matches instead of 16? Could have a club quit midseason? – Croxyz💬 17:24, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Tuzlanska nogometna zona 1966./67. is missing from the list above. I'll have to find it later. – Croxyz💬 18:03, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I just saw that 1 leg is missing in the 1959/60 season. I assume a club is missing in that table because If a club quitted they'd still be a part of the table. – Croxyz💬 20:38, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I managed to find the 1966/67 season. – Croxyz💬 20:46, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I've completed all of Budućnost Banovići's seasons. All that is left is the Jedinstvo Odžak/Bosanski Novi issue (still waiting for @Cybermb to check his sources), the 1959/60 season issue and what to call the 1952/53 season. I don't know how to answer any of those problems. – Croxyz💬 23:12, 26. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Cybermb Between Jedinstvo Odžak/Bosanski Novi I think it was Odžak, because it's in north-east: the Tuzla and Doboj zone. Bosanski Novi is in north-west, an Jedisntvo B.N. would play in Banja Luka zone leagues. In these days i was working in about HNK Borovo and NK Šparta Beli Manastir pages. Borovo was liquidated in 2018? I can't find it after that year. And why NK Šparta has no voice in Anyway I can't find it after 2020, so I think it's been liquidated. Do you know anything?--Ame71 (razgovor). 15:05, 27. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Cybermb what's the right version: FK Pelister Bitola or FK Pelister Bitolj?
@Ame71 and @Croxyz, I have some tables from Godišnjak FSJ 1960-1961
for Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1960./61. at the 9th position is staded Jedinstvo (N. G.) - probably is wrong Bosanski Novi - it's a more western than Doboj area.
in book Vladimir Ravlić: Priča o jednoj Mladosti --- : nogometni klub "Mladost" Modran : 1952. – 2012. : monografija, Zagreb, 2012., ISBN 978-953-98328-0-1, there is staded Jedinstvo (Novi Grad) (again shown as Jedinstvo Bosanski Novi, but my first version of article, created January 30th, 2019,
I think it could be Novi Grad in Odžak municipality, which is in Bosanska Posavina region, and Doboj is also near
Look, Spisak ekipa koje su se postojale u nekadašnjem Brčko i Doboj savezu- 1985 sezona., at Odzak clubs is shown Jedinstvo Novi Grad also
Bitola was common name for Bitolj used during Yugoslavia period, but nowdays, in Croatian it's more common stated as Bitolj
Hrvatski obiteljski leksikon
Proleksis enciklopedija
Hrvatski jezični portal
Cybermb (razgovor) 15:47, 27. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Ame71 & @Cybermb, I couldn't find anything on Borovo past 7. rang HNL-a 2018./19.#NS Vukovar. The club probably (temporarily) stopped existing. As for NK Šparta Beli Manastir, it's simple: nobody wrote an article about the club. Serbo-Croatian wiki surprisingly has an article (it was written by a new user). I discourage translating it since it contains grammatical errors and zero sources. Lots of football clubs from Croatia do not have articles. Believe it or not two clubs that played in Croatia's 2nd division in the 90s didn't have articles up until amonth ago when I wrote them (NK Posavina Zagreb & NK Mladost-Nada Hrastovac) even though they were part of a template present in 37 different articles featuring current and previous Croatian 2nd tier sides (Predložak:2. HNL). Posavina's fate is similar to that of Borovo's – it is unknown. I changed back all three instances of "Jedinstvo Bosanski Novi" back to "Jedinstvo Novi Grad", since "Godišnjak 1960-61" is proof that a club called "Jedinstvo Novi Grad" did in fact exist as the name change occured in the 90s. A book published in 1961 obviously couldn't have used a name coined three decades later. – Croxyz💬 01:12, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Grupa A Prve zone 1969./70. could've been won by Jedinstvo Odžak instead of Novi Grad although we don't have good sources. This site talking about Odžak states: U sezoni 1969.-70. Jedinstvo kao prvak „Tuzlanske zone“, igra neuspješno kvalifikacije sa FK „Galenika“ Zemun, za ulazak u II. saveznu ligu NS Jugoslavije. Iste godine momčad iz Odžaka osvaja titulu amaterskog prvaka BiH. Serbian wiki references this blogpost which states: Posle osvojene titule prvaka severne grupe Srpske lige,Galenici je do plasmana u severnu grupu Druge savezne lige preostao jos kvalifikacioni meč sa prvoplasiranom ekipom severne grupe Lige BiH,Jedinstvom iz Odžaka. Galenika je Jedinstvo pobedila i u Odžacima i u Zemunu i tako ušla na velika vrata u Drugu saveznu ligu. Sadly the history page on the club's website makes no mention of Jedinstvo. On the forum I found: Tačna je i ispravka da Jedisntvo nije iz Bosanskog Novog već Odžaka. Potvrda već u tabeli naredne sezone. which referrs to Bosansko-sjeveroistočna zona 1970./71. in which Jedinstvo Odžak finished 2nd. I find it unusual that Jedinstvo Odžak isn't present in Tuzlanska nogometna zona 1968./69. even though it finished 4th in Tuzlanska nogometna zona 1967./68. We have no information on Jedinstvo Odžak playing in 1968./69. – Croxyz💬 02:04, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I just realised that we have another table for Tuzlanska nogometna zona 1968./69. (F3 for 3 Jedinstvo, Odžak here). At the moment of writing our article states that Jedinstvo Brčko finished 3rd. This is false because Jedinstvo Brčko played in Druga savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1968./69. I'll correct it immediately. – Croxyz💬 02:08, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I found more confirmation that Jedinstvo Odžak won Grupa A Prve zone 1969./70. Here we have:

Kvalfikacije za popunu lige
• Hajduk (Kula), prvaj Vojvođanske lige
• Galenika (Zemun), prvak Beogradske zone
• Valpovka (Valpovo), prvak Slavonske zone
• Jedinstvo (Odžak), prvak Tuzlanske zona
Hajduk (Kula) – Valpovka (Valpovo) 7:1 i 4:0
Galenika (Zemun) – Jedinstvo (Odžak) 5:1 i 3:1

and on an other post featured in the same link:

1 Jedinstvo, Odžak
Viši rang: Jedinstvo (Odžak) je igralo kvalifikacije za popunu Druge savezne lige – Sever protiv Galenike i nije uspelo
Ispali: ?
Novi članovi: ?

Croxyz💬 02:16, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Anyways, I fixed Grupa A Prve zone 1969./70. See if anything needs to be fixed on for this and previous season (Jedinstvo Brčko -> Jedinstvo Odžak) – Croxyz💬 02:30, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Cybermb I think Jedinstvo Odžak and Jedinstvo Novi Grad (I didn't know there was a Novi Grad in Odžak munioipality) are the same club. As to say Orijent Rijeka and Orijent Trsat.--Ame71 (razgovor). 14:52, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
In Druga savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1988./89. I hoped rsssf would have created the page. The cause of 3:0 for Bačka is at page 80 of this link.--Ame71 (razgovor). 15:02, 28. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Ame71 & @Cybermb, Jedinstvo Odžak and Jedinstvo Novi Grad can't be the same club. In the incomplete 1985 club list Jedinstvo Odžak (under number 1) and Jedinstvo Novi Grad (under number 8) are listed separately under the Odžak section. Meanwhile, Jedinstvo Odžak featured in Nogometno prvenstvo Jugoslavije – 3. ligaški rang 1960./61. and Međupodsavezna nogometna liga Brčko – Doboj – Tuzla 1961./62., while Jedinstvo Novi Grad played in Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1960./61. and Podsavezna nogometna liga Doboj 1961./62.Croxyz💬 13:00, 29. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz and @Ame71, I wrote that,
look again at Spisak ekipa koje su se postojale u nekadašnjem Brčko i Doboj savezu- 1985 sezona. - Odžak section - Jedinstvo Odžak is number 1, and Jedinstvo Novi Grad is by number 8.
Stated Odžaks' clubs in 1985 are:
1 Jedinstvo Odžak
2 Strolit Odžak
3 Mladost Gornja Dubica
4 Jelen Trnjak
5 Bratstvo Gornji Svilaj
6 Mladost Donji Svilaj
7 Bratstvo Donja Dubica
8 Jedinstvo Novi Grad
9 Mera Vojskova
10 Napredak Srnava
11 Posavina Posavska Mahala
12 Polet Vrbovac
13 Novoselac Novo Selo
14 Omladinac Potočani
15 Borac Gnionica

so Jedinstvo Odžak and Jedinstvo Novi Grad are not same club
In book
  • Bratislav Stojanović, Dragiša Kovačević: "Jugoslovenski fudbalski klubovi", Beograd, 1977., str. 1367
there is information about FK Jedinsvo Novi Grad - founded in 1950 and (mid 1970s) playing in Grupna liga Doboj
In book
  • Iljo Dominković: Nogomet u Bosanskoj Posavini : 1920-1995, Orašje, 1996., ISBN 953-6432-18-8 (B - graf), str. 143
for 1992. - NK "Jedinstvo" Novi Grad" - member of Općinska liga Odžak
for NK Odžak 102 - I'm not sure is it same club (or it's legal continution) as Jedinstvo Odžak (playing during Yugoslavia), but as I wrote at my discuss page - Odzak 102 - played 1994./95. and 1995./96. seasons as Jedinstvo 102
also, in Nogomet u Bosanskoj Posavini : 1920-1995 is not described connection between Jedinstvo and Jedinstvo 102, although there is a chapter about 1994/95 season
Cybermb (razgovor) 17:11, 29. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz thanks for the infos. IMHO: not a great idea to call two clubs so close by the same name.--Ame71 (razgovor). 15:33, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine


I just wanted to inform you that Croatian articles Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1976./77.‎, Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1977./78.‎ and Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1978./79.‎ contain faulty tables. I managed to fix Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1979./80. I haven't checked Italian wiki. I presume that at least some of these errors exist both on Italian and Croatian Wikis. – Croxyz💬 01:13, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

I also fixed Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1980./81.Croxyz💬 01:22, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1983./84. is also faulty. – Croxyz💬 01:40, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1984./85. is incorrect. – Croxyz💬 01:46, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Same with Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine 1986./87. For some of these seasons the tables matched, however I was scared of checking if the goal difference or no. of wins/losses is correct. FK Kozara's accidently repeated the table for 1984./85. in place of the 1987./88. so I couldn't have checked it. – Croxyz💬 01:54, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Nor is Republička nogometna liga Bosne i Hercegovine – Zapad 1989./90. Unfortunately, I don't think I will be able to make FK Kozara Bosanska Gradiška's table to assist you. I'll have to see which club is next. – Croxyz💬 02:07, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyzlet me know when you'll fix all the tables, so I will make the same in (i copied the tables from when I created the 3rd division seasons).--Ame71 (razgovor). 15:49, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Ame71, the issue is that tables from FK Kozara's website and Cybermb's books do not match, in other words they differentiate. Usually, the easiest way to tell which table is genuine is by checking points, seeing if the total number of wins matches the number of losses, if the total number of goals scored matches the total number of goals conceded etc. Most of the tables mentioned above fail these tests meaning that we can't tell which one is correct with certainty. Too bad there are no easily accessible official tables (published by leagues/federations etc.). When compared to Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina in digitalising newspapers, scientific articles and other types of media (access to information in general) which are usually used for Wikipedia citations. – Croxyz💬 23:35, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
And the obvious factor: the war which left large damage to major urban centres where such football history data would be stored (e.g. Sarajevo, Mostar, Tuzla which has their own "zona" leagues). For example (if I recall correctly) there is no definitive answer to the question of what is the first football club from Bosnia and Herzegovina. Croatia, on the other hand, has an entire list of early clubs, presumably with the foundation dates/years of these clubs. – Croxyz💬 23:49, 30. rujna 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I just remembered that I forgot to notify you earlier today that it seems that FK Jedinstvo Brčko ceased to exist two years ago (see today's edits). – Croxyz💬 00:16, 1. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I plan on doing FK Omarska's seasons. The style of their tables is eerily similar to yours. Do you know the origin of this style? Is it mimicking your articles/ forum posts or did this style develop somewhere else? – Croxyz💬 02:30, 1. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz yes, I took the style from forum, as it's easier to write and easy to understand for a reader. In Prva liga seasons I used another style because there were more things to write (the European cups).--Ame71 (razgovor). 04:18, 1. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Željezničar seasons from the early 20s


Previously I've mentioned that I've found a book about FK Željezničar Sarajevo. I did a brief check on and found that early season from the 1920s and 1946 are missing (I only looked for links, I didn't check if already existing seasons had incomplete tables or none at all). Do you know Cyrillic? If not I could help you transcribe the tables. – Croxyz💬 20:51, 3. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Croxyz mmmh, no, I can't read cyrillic... About Željezničar history I know this link. For the seasons from 1918 to 1941 it would be good to have this book.--Ame71 (razgovor). 05:17, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I compared the tables from your link's 1921/22 season to the same table in the Cyrillic book (page 30) and they don't match. – Croxyz💬 10:20, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
1922/23, 1923/24, 1924/25, 1295/26 seasons also doesn't match. – Croxyz💬 10:25, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I didn't check if the tables from the Cyrillic books match with the already existing tablespre-WW2 tables on Italian Wiki. The 1945/46 table on page 2 of the forum link matches with the one on page 76 of the book, however the forum fails to list the matches on page 74: Sloboda vs Udarnik, Željezničar vs Udarnik, Sloboda vs Željezničar. It also notes (same page) that Gradski fiskulturni odbor decided on Februry 12 1946 to nullify the results of three autumn (the ones I mentioned) games and that a new city championship (Prvenstvo grada Sarajeva) should be held in March 1946. I also forgot to mention that I didn't compare the players list from the 1920s seasons. – Croxyz💬 10:35, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
That 1945/46 Sarajevo City Championship is featured as Južna skupina in Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47.#Bosna i Hercegovina, although it doesn't mention the nullified 1945 matches. It would be good to turn the "text tabels" into actual wikitables for that season, mainly because it isn't not possible to access these seasons from the "Puntano qui" link on club articles. – Croxyz💬 10:41, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
As for pre-WW2 seasons, this book contains a lot of them. I remember finding more pre-WW2 seasons on Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori. Maksimir's seasons are missing. – Croxyz💬 10:47, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Same for seasons of leagues played in Rijeka (Fiume). Results of Pre-WW2 Vojvodina mathces exist. I didn't check for numerous Vrbas clubs, Crikvenica nor the books on Slovenian football. – Croxyz💬 11:02, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
In the evening I might compare the sources to this list on Željezničar’s site. I could probably even turn that list into a large wikitable within an hour (I’d probably need another one to add and find all the article names). – Croxyz💬 11:55, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
It will be possible. It'll just take a lot of time. It'll expand Željezničar's article by around 65 thousand bytes. – Croxyz💬 20:00, 4. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I keep forgetting to add information about the 1945/46 Sarajevo City Championship. I might do it tomorrow if i remember. – Croxyz💬 00:55, 10. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Currently I'm wikipedifying Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. (switching plain text to tables, adding links to articles, calculating "kvoc."). I haven't added the 1945/46 Sarajevo City Championship yet. It seems that RSSSF records more missing Croatian competitions/results. I haven't checked RSSF for other parts of Yugoslavia. Articles in Kategorija:Hrvatska nogometna natjecanja - sezona 1945./46. require cleaning (especially Prvenstvo grada Splita 1946.) These articles contain even more missing results (e.g. Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. doesn't mention the two preliminary competitions in Prvenstvo Zagreba u nogometu 1946.) There is no mention of Nogometno prvenstvo grada Osijeka 1946. whatsoever in Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. Do you plan on redoing the article? – Croxyz💬 23:00, 11. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
There's also it:Qualificazioni alla Hrvatska liga 1946 which includes an incomplete table for Nogometno prvenstvo grada Osijeka 1946. I didn't compare it to RSSSF so i don't know if anything is missing. Also I haven't checked Italian Wiki for other parts of Yugoslavia. – Croxyz💬 23:10, 11. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Doing Bosnia and Herzegovina at the moment. I checked yoour source [32] and I can see that it contains missing results for Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well for other parts of Yugoslavia. "Sjeverni dio" (Northern part) and "Južni dio" (Southern part) seem strange to me (see earlier messages). – Croxyz💬 23:26, 11. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I'll go to bed soon so I can't research these names today. I stumbled upon this source which I'll use to try and expand some Bosnia and Herzegovina seasons from the 1950s. – Croxyz💬 23:57, 11. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
The naming confusion doesn't end there. FK Željezničar's official website calls Velež Mostar the winner of Mostar region and Borac the winner of Banja Luka region (U razigravanju smo odmjerili snage sa pobjednicima drugih regionalnih takmičenja u BiH, tj. sa pobjednikom banjalučke regije Borcem i pobjednikom mostarske regije Veležom.). The Cyrillic book (page 77) also names Borac as the winner of the Northern Group (similarly to's Northern part), however it refers to Velež as the winner of the Southern Group, as opposed to's "Herzegovina". instead calls the Sarajevo City Championship the Southern Group. – Croxyz💬 16:15, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I think we'll have to wait for the Internet Archive to see what's written in exyufudbal. On Ligaški vremeplov I found the same naming scheme as in the Cyrillic book. – Croxyz💬 16:24, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz I see Wayback Internet Archive is under hacker attack: no good for us.... --Ame71 (razgovor). 17:11, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Yep. Been like that these past few days. It happened while I was doing NK Svačić Stari Slatnik's table. – Croxyz💬 17:16, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
At the moment I'm adding links to Vojvodina clubs in Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. Are you sure that Jedinstvo Senta is FK Senta and Radnički Inđija FK Inđija? – Croxyz💬 17:34, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I couldn't figure out any Vojvodina club so I started fixing Serbia. I see that Italian wiki again has information not mentioned on Croatian wiki, this time in it:Qualificazioni alla Srpska liga 1946. – Croxyz💬 17:47, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz Now I'm not so sure. When I created the pages I thought Senta and Inđija were the clubs I was looking for beacuse there weren't others... --Ame71 (razgovor). 17:57, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
The clubs appear in Prvenstvo Srbije u nogometu 1947./48., Vojvođanska nogometna liga 1947./48., Sjeverna grupa Srpske nogometne lige 1946./47. I don't know if there are more dubious clubs. – Croxyz💬 19:02, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I'm checking all of the clubs from those seasons. Omladinac Kragujevac from Prvenstvo Srbije u nogometu 1947./48. can't be FK Zastava Kragujevac because FK Zastava Kragujevac was founded almost three decades later. – Croxyz💬 21:48, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Can you find anything on Proleter Pirot being FK Radnički Pirot,
Bratstvo Đakovica being KF Vëllaznimi Đakovica and Željezničar Kosovo Polje being KF Fushë Kosova? The last two are from Kosovo, so it is possible that they are translations. – Croxyz💬 21:58, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz If you find something wrong you have to change. Clubs in YU changed more times their name, this is very strange for us Italians. And in DDR and Czechoslovakia was worst: some clubs have 8 changed names in their history. This is tipical of countries under communism. Creating sport pages in is easier.--Ame71 (razgovor). 22:29, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz I'm thinking it's better if you work the 3rd YU division pages. I'm not mothertongue and I can make 1st and 2nd rang, but doing the same for 3rd one I see it's too much for my skills (there are too many sites to check, too many names, complicated rules and changes, lots of datas impossible to find).--Ame71 (razgovor). 22:29, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I'll try and find confirmation for those clubs later. I managed to uncover every Serbian club from Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. except Borac Beograd. I already wrote every Croatian and Bosnia and Herzegovinian 3rd division season I could find from sites on Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori. I never really tried searching for Montenegro, Vojvodina and Serbia. The way I found all these websites listed on Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori is by searching the name of competition in all grammatical cases. For example, yesterday I searched for Snaga Mostar from Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. I googled "Snaga Mostar" 1946. By putting Snaga Mostar in "" Google only gave me results that specifically used the phrase Snaga Mostar. I found that it competed in Mostarski potsavez (or in modern Croatian podsavez). I searched for "Mostarski podsavez" (and potsavez) in all grammatical cases and found this website which I used to expand Podsavezna nogometna liga Mostar 1952. For each competition I usually get anywhere from 0 to 2 useful results depending on how long it existed and its stage on the league pyramid. If you take a closer look at Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori you'll mostly find small groups of clubs that played in the same league at one point (or in other words they are really close). An example would be the tiny region of Međimurje which managed to feature 4 times (although some of these were found by Cybermb) while Istrian and Dalmatian (ignoring Hajduk and OSK Otok which only features seasons after the breakup of Yugoslavia) clubs did not feature at all! The reason I mentioned Montenegro, Vojvodina and Serbia previously is due to them having either a large number of leagues of which Italian Wiki rarely has a lot of information or due to their languages being written both in Cyrillic and Latin making it harder to find useful information on Google. Slovenia, Kosovo and Macedonia face the language barrier. I know that this exists for Macedonia however I don't really know how much of these seasons are covered on Croatian Wiki. I never tried searching for RSSSF tables for parts of Yugoslavia besides Croatia. Keep in mind that at least half of the club website links from Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori were found from your and Cybermb's articles on Croatian Wiki. I highly doubt that there are more than 5 still uncovered club websites for Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. You can always translate the various lower leagues from Italian Wikipedia, do pre-WW2 leagues. In case you want to coversomething that isn't covered on Croatian and Italian Wikipedias, and is easy for you to understand and create, I suggest:
a) Taking a look at various pre-WW2 seasons I posted in this discussion previously
b) This one season (If I recall correctly Ligaški vremeplov contains tables for other groups of that same season)
c) NK Polet Sveti Martin na Muri seasons from 1965 to 1984.
d) NK Hajduk Brezje seasons from 1962 to 1991
e) every single FK Omarska season. Serbian Wikipedia contains tables for every post-Yugoslavia season. These tables need to be added to various articles from 2002 to 2021.
There are also several seasons from various lower leagues that are linked on Cybermb's talk page with which I have problems, mostly the competition names. Cybermb will hopefully manage to uncover at least some of these somewhere in the future. – Croxyz💬 23:32, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
By the way I fixed the entire Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. article. All that's needed is to add the various matches/missing leagues from RSSSF, Italian Wiki, Kategorija:Hrvatska nogometna natjecanja - sezona 1945./46. articles and sources used in Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. Would you be interested in (partially) expanding the article? I'll try and see if I can find those club names (Jedinstvo Senta and others). If not I'll remove them. – Croxyz💬 23:40, 12. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
RSSSF also has Slovenian and Montenegrin tables. – Croxyz💬 00:21, 13. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
I just wanted to notify you that the Internet Archive is back although it's really slow for me. – Croxyz💬 00:50, 15. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz It's very good, Internet Archive is plenty of sources good for us!--Ame71 (razgovor). 01:00, 15. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
Yeah. It's running okay right now. I managed to complete all of the Serbian competitions/matches in Kvalifikacije za Prvu saveznu ligu 1946./47. Currently I'm doing Zagreb. – Croxyz💬 01:06, 15. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

Predložak:Crnogorska republička nogometna liga


I don't know if you have noticed that I added the Predložak:Crnogorska republička nogometna liga template in FR Yugoslavia 2nd divison (Druga liga Srbije i Crne Gore u nogometu) season articles. Should that template be featured in Nogometno prvenstvo Srbije i Crne Gore – 2. ligaški rang 2004./05. and Nogometno prvenstvo Srbije i Crne Gore – 2. ligaški rang 2005./06.? For those two season the template contains links to Prva crnogorska nogometna liga articles, as opposed to Druga liga Srbije i Crne Gore u nogometu articles. I didn't know what links to add for seasons spanning from 1991 to 2006 so I left them blank. Should 2004./05. and 2005./06. be removed from that row? – Croxyz💬 19:36, 23. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor

@Croxyz I noticed there were a new template in the Druga liga SCG pages, and I agree. In 2004./05. and 2005./06. seasons the Montenegrin leagues were called "Prva crnogorska nogometna liga", I don't know if we can consider it as prosecutor of "Crnogorska republička nogometna liga" for 2 seasons (since 2006 it became top level). I've a doubt: Crnogorska republička liga was 3. rang in 2003./04., but I don't know if in the following seasons kept that name, or changed it in "Druga crnogorska nogometna liga".Ame71 (razgovor). 20:09, 23. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
RSSSF [[33][34] doesn't mention its name. It only mentions the name of the three groups (Južna, Srednja and Severna grupa) which made up the league. – Croxyz💬 20:21, 23. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor
@Croxyz In, "Crnogorska republička nogometna liga" is considered till 2006, not just 1991. And they consider just the 3rd rang ones, so the seasons from 2000 to 2006 wouldn't be right to insert as template in Druga liga SCG (IMHO).Ame71 (razgovor). 12:20, 24. listopada 2024. (CEST)Odgovor



Požega was called Slavonska Požega until 1991. This should be corrected on Italian Wiki in articles such as it:Zonske lige 1964-1965#Slavonia. – Croxyz💬 13:30, 27. listopada 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Same for NK Požega -> NK Požega Slavonska Požega and NK Zvečevo Požega -> NK Zvečevo Slavonska Požega. – Croxyz💬 13:39, 27. listopada 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I know (I found also Titovo Užice, Titov Vrbas, etc), but I think it's not important for a 3rd division page in If i created a single page (like Slavonska nogometna zona 1964./65.), I added the map and the real name of the towns and of the clubs, of course.Ame71 (razgovor). 13:55, 27. listopada 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Podsavezna prvenstva


@Ame71, za ovo

je si li mogao za svaki podsavez zasebno napraviti ljestvicu kao što sam ja svojevremeo počeo, kao u člancima Podsavezna nogometna liga Maribor 1960./61. ili Prvenstvo nogometnog podsaveza Kotor 1960./61., odnosno možeš vidjeti po kategorijama Slovenska nogometna natjecanja po sezonama (1945. – 1991.) i Crnogorska nogometna natjecanja (1945. – 1991.)
ok, recimo zbog veličine je za Sloveniju ili Crnu Goru (posebno) tako lakše raditi, ali recimo imamo

Cybermb (razgovor) 19:25, 16. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

@Cybermb, rađe mu piši na engleskom jer je Talijan. Mislio sam ja spojiti te članke u 1 nakon što ih sve napiše. Mislim da zna da imamo Predložak:Sezone 4. stupnja nogometnog prvenstva FNRJ/SFRJ. – Croxyz💬 19:29, 16. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Cybermb i @Croxyz nema problema s jezikom, tu je Google translate. Imajući samo ljestvicu, bez ikakvih drugih informacija, činilo se ispravnim grupirati prvenstva umjesto stvaranja jedne stranice za svako od njih. Znam Predložak 4. reda: ja sam ga stvorio.Ame71 (razgovor). 08:21, 17. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Macedonian league 1953/54


I've finally managed to uncover something for Macedonia. Sadly it's an incorrect table. It's here. Tikveš should have 30 instead of 38 points. The goal difference is also wrong (490:486). The number of losses is correct, unlike on English Wikipedia (en:1953–54 Macedonian Republic League) where the goal difference is also wrong (483:486). The site may contain complete tables elsewhere. I didn't manage to find any and I took a brief look. Did you manage to uncover the 1950/60 Croatian and Serbian tables in the end? – Croxyz💬 14:23, 17. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Missing Montenegro tables i've found


So I've finally managed to find an online source on Montenegro football history (Serbian Wikipedia). I've added it (a series of 20+ articles) to Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori. Here is a list of newfound information:

I stopped my research the year Montenegro got its independence. @Cybermb has several books on Montenegrin history as well. These books might cover the aforementioned seasons (and hopefully, contain correct goal differences). – Croxyz💬 02:41, 18. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

A continuation of #Predložak:Crnogorska republička nogometna liga follows:
The source, Barski portal, uses "Republička liga" for 1993./94., 1994./95., 1996./97., 2000./01.Croxyz💬 02:52, 18. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Kvalifikacije za Vojvođansku nogometnu ligu 1960./61.


I managed to uncover the Vojvođanska nogometna liga 1960./61. qualifiers. The table can be found here near the bottom left corner.
Source name: Somborske novine, godina VII, br. 324., 19 avgust 1960, str. 7.
I'll add this source to Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori later.
1. Subotica
2. Mladost
3. Tekstilac
4. Potisje
5. ŽAK

I'm really confused. There's a club called ŽAK in Banatska nogometna liga 1959./60. (finished 5th) and Potisje in Bačka nogometna liga 1959./60. (finished 4th). The qualifiers definitely aren't made up as firstplaced Subotica played in Vojvođanska nogometna liga 1960./61. The club didn't compete in Vojvođanska nogometna liga 1959./60.

Also, there's this article on Serbian wiki with full names of Podsavezna nogometna liga Sombor 1959./60. clubs. – Croxyz💬 21:39, 21. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

I found clarification in Somborske novine, godina VII, br. 315., 17 jun 1960, str. 7. (under Ekipe ŽAK i Tekstilca podbacile...). The 5 participating teams are the top 4 clubs of Bačka nogometna liga 1959./60. (Tekstilac Odžaci, Mladost Apatin, ŽAK Sombor and Potisje Kanjiža) and winner of Podsavezna nogometna liga Subotica 1959./60. (FK Subotica, not OFK Subotica, looks like a name change occured later on). I think this is what @Cybermb warned us about clubs from two different tiers participating in the same qualifiers. I might look for other club names later on (e.g. Bačka nogometna liga 1959./60.). Idk if there were any more qualifiers for Vojvođanska nogometna liga 1960./61.Croxyz💬 21:54, 21. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
I decided to call (O)FK Subotica Subotica in order to solve this naming issue. From Somborske novine I managed to extract every full club name of clubs participating in Bačka nogometna liga 1959./60. and Podsavezna nogometna liga Subotica 1959./60. At the moment all that's left is the qualifiers table in Bačka nogometna liga 1959./60. and Podsavezna nogometna liga Subotica 1959./60. I don't think there is information on any other qualifier groups. – Croxyz💬 01:32, 22. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
I just did a review of every 1959/60 season in Godišnjak FSJ to see if anything is missing. Every Serbian podsavez is missing, Podsavez Čakovec and Dubrovnik in Croatia, Podsavez Kranj in Slovenia are also missing. During the day I’ll partition the Slovenian and Montenegrin articles with all Podsavez competitions into seperate articles for each Podsavez. – Croxyz💬 02:22, 22. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz Ok for FK Subotica and the single subfederation pages from Slovenia and Montenegro. Now I'm keeping going with 3rd division 1967./68. Ame71 (razgovor). 07:04, 22. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
I've done everything from that list except the Serbian Podsavez and Podsavez Dubrovnik articles. I'm leaving that to you. – Croxyz💬 01:02, 23. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
Podsavez Beograd is covered by Borba. I managed to find this. If we were to go through numerous issues of the paper, we could find the names. I don't plan on doing that tonight. I found that BSK is FK BSK Batajnica. Later on I also found this: sr:ФК_Хајдук_Београд#Сезоне_од_1958/59_до_1960/61. Did you know that these tables existed? They can probably be of use in 3. ligaški rang articles.
Podsavez Kragujevac is for some reason missing from Godišnjak FSJ. It's included on page 233 of Milorad Sijić, Fudbal u Rasinskom okrugu (dopunjeno izdanje), Kruševac 2020. Kragujevačka zona qualifiers are listed on page 234.
I found no information on other Serbian Podsavez competitions for that season. – Croxyz💬 01:30, 23. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I used Hajduk BG page on for two 3rd division seasons (1960./61. and 1961./62.). Palilulac BG wiki page is full of tables, but unfortunately only lower leagues. What's the name of Podsavez Dubrovnik page: Podsavezna nogometna liga Dubronik 1959./60. or Prvenstvo Dubrovačkog nogometnog podsaveza 1959./60. ? I think it's 4th level, while III. zonska nogometna liga BiH 1959./60. is the upper division. But I never heard the 5 clubs of that league and none of them reached the Hercegovačka zona in previuos and following seasons. Ame71 (razgovor). 10:03, 23. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
I don't know what to name it. @Cybermb said that he might check Slobodna Dalmacija's archive (see: Razgovor_sa_suradnikom:Cybermb#1959./60.). I don't know if we can determine the tier/level. "Dubrovnik" is a false giveaway. The participating clubs are all from the island of Korčula except Omladinac which is from Lastovo. The southern tip of Korčula is 80 kilometres away from Dubrovnik. A large number of islands separate Dubrovnik from Korčula. Keep in mind that clubs from Dubrovnik (Dubrovnik and GOŠK) played in III. zonska nogometna liga BiH 1959./60. which is listed among Bosnia and Herzegovina competitions in Godišnjak FSJ while this Korčula and Lastovo competition is listed alongside Croatian competitions. Given that this is a league consisting of two islands, Korčula and Lastovo, with Lastovo possibly having only 1 single club, I wouldn't be surprised that this is both the lowest tier and a closed competition meaning that promotion and relegation is nonexistent. In 1963, there was a competition called Nogometno prvenstvo otoka srednje Dalmacije 1963./64. which saw all Podsavez Dubrovnik 1959./60. clubs participate except Sloga Žrnovo. The league also contained two clubs from Hvar, an island north of Korčula. For Podsavezna nogometna liga Čakovec 1959./60. I used this source from the Međimurje Football Association (a body that oversees Međimurje competitions). It claims that a Podsavez needed to have at least 6 clubs to form. Podsavez Dubrovnik saw 5 clubs participate instead of the minimum 6 clubs. A club could've possibly disbanded or decided not to participate. Fun fact: there's a competition called Hvarska nogometna liga which exists to this very day. This league consists exclusively of Hvar clubs. It's a closed competition (no promotion and relegation) with the winner sometimes getting promoted to the lowest tier of 2. ŽNL Splitsko-dalmatinska. – Croxyz💬 14:55, 23. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Possibly bad news


Almost a month ago I did a comparison between Wikipedia's current tables and Napredak Kruševac's tables. You might recallme pointing out a large number of inconsistencies at razgovor sa suradnikom:Croxyz#Srpska liga – Jug. From time to time I fix such issues. Today I might've found a rather large one. On my talk page I've noted that "Ligaški vremeplov and Napredak Kruševac offer tables which do not match our current one in Druga_savezna_liga_Jugoslavije_u_nogometu_1968./69.#Ljestvica_4." Back then we didn't really have access to sources from Yugoslavia (only modern ones). Now that we have access to the Belgrade daily Borba, I have decided to check it. Page 8 of June 18 edition does contain typos meaning it isn't 100% accurate (e.g. goal difference accidently repeated twice, a wrong number is written etc.). It favoured the tables present in Ligaški vremeplov and Napredak Kruševac's book. Our current table is from Historical Lineups. They present results of each match meaning that it's easier to check the accuracy of tables. Do we know how accurate it is? What sources does it employ? Did Historical Lineups find these errors and correct them? I then decided to quickly compare Borba's other tables with Druga_savezna_liga_Jugoslavije_u_nogometu_1968./69. Not a single table matches! Luckily we do have other newspaper sources for each of the 4 groups. I'll be quite busy these days so you can't count on me helping out. If Historical Lineups' tables are found to be inconsistent with the newspaper ones, we can easily fix them. But what about match results? Will we have to check every single match? Do we even have newspaper sources for every matches? I doubt that every newspaper reported every match in the league. – Croxyz💬 00:19, 25. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

@Croxyz finding reliable sources is also a problem on, for example (I manage the regional leagues of Friuli) one of the websites I use,, is no good for admin: they want the they want the official press releases from the football federation. It's easy for the actual leagues, but not for the old ones. I went to Udine library and I found tables till 1954 (from the papers), but there isn't an accurance of 100%. In, when I find two different tables, I use to notice it as in Podsavezna_nogometna_liga_Zrenjanin_1959./60.#Zapadna_skupina. Ame71 (razgovor). 11:48, 26. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
This week I'll be rather busy and I might take a temporary break. I'll review the 1968./69. season later. Today, I have finally managed to uncover something for Macedonia: A Facebook page dedicated to FK Belasica Strumica history. I don't have a Facebbok account so I can't completely view the page. – Croxyz💬 20:04, 30. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
This site contains newspapers with tables of FR Yugoslavia. You might find the answer to the Montenegro problem. – Croxyz💬 20:24, 30. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz it's good, unfortunately for me it's in cyrillic and impossible to copy and translate. Anyway I think I can do it for the republican leagues, as I know the "sudionici". Will you add this in your "izvori" page? Ame71 (razgovor). 08:34, 1. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
Already added it, as well as a new source for Montenegro. For the FK Belasica seasons, just send me the link to the images and I’ll gladly list the clubs. As far as I can see the images are included in posts that talk about each season. Because of this, we will known which season is represented by which table. If I remember correctly, RSSSF has tables with incorrect goal-differences. Now that we have images of the tables, we have a shot at correcting them. – Croxyz💬 11:29, 1. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
I'll be checking the Druga savezna liga articles later. These days I wanted to write NK Šparta Beli Manastir. I checked and (it:Nogometni klub Šparta Beli Manastir. has 0 sources, while only has 2 sources. The first two paragraphs of the history section ("Storia") contain 0 sources. Several weeks ago I tried searching for the Sparta Prague connection (1st paragraph) and found nothing online. Maybe that paragraph should be deleted? I decided to look into the missing seasons from the "Cronistoria" section. Nogometni leksikon claims that Šparta was the champion of Baranja every year spanning from 1929 to 1941. As for the 90s, I managed to gather a lot of information on Republika Srpska Krajina championship. I turned this information into two articles: Prvenstvo Republike Srpske Krajine u nogometu and Prvenstvo Republike Srpske Krajine u nogometu 1992./93. Šparta didn't compete in the 1991/92 season. In 1992/93 it finished 2nd and 1st in 1993/94. The 1994/95 season never ended due to Republika Srpska Krajina ceasing to exist. Later on Šparta probably played in a league consisting of UNTAES clubs. I don't know when I'll create NK Šparta Beli Manastir. – Croxyz💬 22:15, 11. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I asked a friend to create the page of Šparta Beli Manastir on, I did just the "cronistoria" (this is our "modus operandi"), looking for club seasons on "Što vodi ovamo". I found nothing after 2020, does Šparta BM still exist?
Yesterday I watched a video covering the club's 100th year anniversary (last month) which stated that the club still exists, although it doesn't compete in any league at the moment. The clubs still had youth teams in the 2020/21 season. – Croxyz💬 12:18, 12. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Druga savezna liga Jugoslavije u nogometu 1972./73.


I’m on my phone right now. I found on the internet that NK Zagreb and Osijek played on the 19th of July, not 15th. Apparently this was the most watched game at Stadion Maksimir which is worth a mention. – Croxyz💬 21:08, 27. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Where did you find the date for the first match (10. srpnja)? – Croxyz💬 20:38, 28. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz in the website they said: "Ta utakmica u Osijeku bila je odgođena za dva dana jer se kompletna momčad Osijeka otrovala hranom". I found the normal dates on NK Maribor site Ame71 (razgovor). 17:27, 29. studenoga 2024. (CET)Odgovor

FK Prva iskra Barič


During the day I'll probably reply to every question you asked me these last few days. I just wanted to point out that Prva iskra is from Barič, not Barić. – Croxyz💬 01:54, 21. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor

Is there a source that claims that Radnički Kikinda is OFK Kikinda 1909? – Croxyz💬 18:00, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I'm afraid it's an error born when I created the pages in, I didn't realize there were two Kikinda clubs in the same season in different levels (in the '50s league system was very complicated in YU). I think the best way is to replace FK Radnički Kikinda, I'm going to do it. Ame71 (razgovor). 21:35, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Ame71 did you manage to find a source that calls Radnički Kikinda FK Radnički Kikinda? How do we know if it's FK nad not for example OFK or RFK'? – Croxyz💬 23:16, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
By the way, should we remove the Croatian amateur league from Kvalifikacije_za_popunu_Druge_savezne_lige_1973.#Hrvatska? – Croxyz💬 23:37, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I found nothing about FK/OFK/RFK Radnički Kikinda, maybe one day someone will write a book about it, so we'll create the redirect. I think it's good to remove the amateur finals from Croatia, BiH and Serbia because the scores are already in the republican page. Ame71 (razgovor). 23:48, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor
@Ame71, ok. Could you remove those finales from the qualifiers? I'll remove the Radnički Kikinda links in the meantime as we do not know what prefix it had. – Croxyz💬 23:50, 26. prosinca 2024. (CET)Odgovor



From where did you source the previous club names for KF KEK? In this article we previously had REHMK instead of REMHK. – Croxyz💬 13:11, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

@Croxyz that was a problem for me, I never found the meaning. I think that time i looked for both the names and i found more times "REHMK", so I chose that one. But after your question I looked again and I found this picture and it says "REMHK". Have I to change every link? Ame71 (razgovor). 21:42, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
At the moment, I don't know how to approach this problem. I found this. A user asked what does RMHK mean ("Šta je značilo „RMHK“?"). According to the replies it means Rudarsko-metalurško-hemijski kombinat (translated into English as miners-metallic-chemical combine, which is a bizzare name in my opinion). Further down in the replies we have the person behind Istorija ex yu fudbala asking why there is sometimes an E in the name (REMHK). According to replies the E stands for energetski. So the full name should be something like Rudarsko-energetsko-metalurško-hemijski kombinat Kosovo Obilić. This is by far the most ridiculous name I've ever heard. I'm not sure if the club changed it's name several times within a short period. – Croxyz💬 21:58, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Looks like Rudarsko-energetsko-metalurško-hemijski kombinat Kosovo is a real name. What's more we have confirmation that this abomination of a name existed in the mid 1970-s.
  »Prirodni resursi, poput lignita, su omogućili da energetika postane vodeća u celokupnom razvoju. Tako je ona, već sredinom sedamdesetih godina, učestvovala u strukturi industrijske proizvodnje sa 33% i omogućila da Rudarsko-energetsko-metalurško-hemijski kombinat „Kosovo“ (REMHK „Kosovo“) postane jedno od najvećih preduzeća jugoslovenskog značaja. I REMHK „Trepča“ je 1978. godine dala 65% jugoslovenskog proizvoda rafiniranog olova, 27% proizvodnje elektrolitnog cinka, 57% proizvodnje rafiniranog srebra i veće količine legure obojenih metala – bizmuta, zlata, kadmijuma, itd.«
Croxyz💬 22:07, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz Ok, tomorrow I'll do it. Ame71 (razgovor). 22:09, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I found this. I think it might be the best if we use whatever the sources says for every season. E.g. in seasons where the source calls it REHMK we call it REHMK. – Croxyz💬 22:16, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Oh and I forgot about Progres-Eksport. It might be the best to call it whatever the source calls it, similar to my proposal for dealing with REHMK. – Croxyz💬 22:20, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
The reason why I asked you for a source for the history section for KF KEK is because I can't find the history section on the archived versions of the club website (the source called "povijest kluba"). – Croxyz💬 22:22, 1. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I forgot to say that I remembered to fix this naming inconsistency. I decided to stick to the names mentioned by the source for each given season. I also forgot to mention that three days ago I did my first hunt for sources in over a month. (I'm pinging @Cybermb here as he might be interested in adding them to his collection) I mainly focused on Slovenia for which I managed to double the amount of sources. Currently there's 24 of them. Interestingly, a lot of them cover clubs from the small Prekmurje region. I believe it could be possible to increase the number of sources by searching the names of various Slovenian club competitions in every single grammatical case. I used this method previously to discover sources for Bosnia and Herzegovinian, Croatian and Serbian seasons with varying success. Two new older books about FK Željezničar Sarajevo were added. I found an Albanian language source (Kosovo's football federation) which lists various information, including winners of Kosovo championship before the breakup of Yugoslavia, albeit with club names mostly written in Albanian. Using Wayback Machine, I've managed to uncover a link on OFK Beograd's website where all of the books are actually downloadable. I haven't tried downloading them, so I don't know what you may find them. Judging by the titles, these books cover OFK Beograd, Belgrade football and pre-World War II Serbian football history. – Croxyz💬 23:00, 4. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

Pre-WW2 Championships


Do you plan on creating articles for pre-WW2 Yugoslav championships or expanding them on Italian Wikipedia? From time to time, I keep finding mentions of župa winners and/or participants. Some of this information doesn't exist online anymore, so I think it'd be worth mentioning. For example, today I've found this history page for NK Libertas Novska. It gives the following info:

VI. (moslavačka) župa 1931. (I don't know if this was played across 1 calendar year or across 1 season)
VI. (moslavačka) župa 1932.
  • Winner: Libertas Novska

I gathered pre-WW2 information in NK Valpovka Valpovo#Pregled plasmana po sezonama. Sometimes, we have vague information, such as NK Šparta Beli Manastir being the winner of every Baranja championship (I don't know what župa that is) from 1930 to 1941. For modern-day Karlovačka županija there's this book. For Vojvodina I remember coming across various tables here There's probably more on Suradnik:Croxyz/Izvori. Note that I haven't made a full list of digitised newspapers, but rather only the ones that I've found to contain tables. Nogometni leksikon is also a good source for this period (e.g. search result for V. župa) – Croxyz💬 16:41, 9. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

There's definitely more information to be found. For example: here it is stated that RSK Sloboda Tuzla won Tuzlanska grupa 1938. (Tuzla Group 1938) for the first time in the club's history and then proceeded to play against RSK Željezara Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina championship play-offs. Sloboda Tuzla lost 0:1 at home, while the second leg ended with a draw making Željezara Zenica the champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina. – Croxyz💬 16:55, 9. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz at the moment I don't know when I'll do the pages before WW2. The Državno prvenstvo is easy, but the subfederation ones are hard. I'd need this book, maybe I'll buy it next sommer (when I'll be in Rijeka for holiday).Ame71 (razgovor). 01:59, 10. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I just found something interesting while looking for mentions of the book online. The foundation date of Jugoslavenski nogometni savez on Croatian/English/Italian Wikipedias is April 15th. However, on page 41 of this paper it is stated that the usual given date is April 14th, however the author of Fudbalska takmičenja... claims it's April 13th. – Croxyz💬 02:08, 10. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Jugoslavenski nogometni savez#Zanimljivo has an explanation. – Croxyz💬 02:10, 10. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I tried searching for the missing Serbia table in Nogometno prvenstvo Jugoslavije – 3. ligaški rang 1980./81. I didn't manage to find it. I also looked through newspapers. Did a third division exist in 1946./47. and 1952.? If not, it might be the best to remove them from Predložak:Sezone 3. stupnja nogometnog prvenstva FNRJ/SFRJCroxyz💬 23:50, 11. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz in 1946./47. I don't know if there was a 3rd rank, I have not enough infos. In 1952. it existed: the 2nd one were "podsavezne lige", but I have no idea what there was in the lower rank. Ame71 (razgovor). 08:33, 12. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

Prva srpska nogometna liga


Nogometno_prvenstvo_Jugoslavije_–_3._ligaški_rang_1980./81.#Srbija: ????


1. Radnički (P)
2. Kolubara
3. Mačva
4. Železničar
5. Novi Pazar
6. Sloga
7. Sinđelić
8. Majdanpek
9. Rudar
10. Radnički (O)
11. Loznica
12. FAP
13. Čukarički
14. Šumadija Aranđelovac
15. Đerđap Kladovo
16. Jedinstvo Ub

Last 3 clubs are relegated. Source: Ibarske novosti, godina XXXV, broj 1504, 17. jun 1982., str. 12.] (the upper table). Goal-difference: 538:543.

Nogometno_prvenstvo_Jugoslavije_–_3._ligaški_rang_1982./83.#Srbija: For some reason they didn't report any tables for Prva srpska liga (they only printed match reports), but they did for lower leagues.

18. Galenika Zemun 34 4 12 18 31:56 20 Source: Branko Najhold, POLA VEKA FUDBALSKOG KLUBA ZEMUN 1945 - 1995, Zemun 1995., str. 336.


1. Novi Pazar
2. Obilić
3. Radnički (K)
4. Majdanpek
5. 7. juli
6. Đerdap
7. Sinđelić
8. Rudar
9. Kristal
10. Radnički (O)
11. Dubočica
12. Budućnost
13. Čukarički
14. Sloga
15. Loznica
16. Jagodina

Source: Ibarske novosti, godina XXXVII, broj 1608, 14. jun 1984., str. 12.] Note: outcome of one match is missing (the upper table is for Prva srpska liga, while the bottom one is for Ibarska liga). Goal-difference is incorrect.

If you need any help with finding the exact club, I'll try and look for them – Croxyz💬 13:20, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

Also, didn't you skip some leagues from the Ligaški vremeplov scans for 1959/60 and/or 1960/61? I found a book about a Serbian club which may help with identifying the clubs. – Croxyz💬 13:41, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
There's a table with incorrect goal-difference (725:727) on p. 147 [44] for Nogometno_prvenstvo_Jugoslavije_–_3._ligaški_rang_1966./67.#SjeverCroxyz💬 14:43, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
it:Prvi razred 1928-1929 Subotički nogometni podsavez was split into Città and Provincia. Provincia is missing (probably skipped by accident). Exyufudbal has the table: [45]. The result of the final should be added to it:Subotički nogometni podsavezCroxyz💬 20:51, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Table for it:Prvi_razred_1935-1936#Gruppo_Subotica: (the upper one, the bottom one is for Girone finale) – Croxyz💬 21:23, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz in Ligaški vremeplov I found some tables from 1959./60. season, but the most part from Serbia (like Posavsko-podunavska zona) and Croatia were missing.
The Galenika Zemun score is from ‎Prva savezna liga 1982./83., what does matter with 3. rank?
in Prva Srpska liga 1983./84. : where are "7. juli" and "Kristal" from? Ame71 (razgovor). 21:25, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I'll research that later. Currently I was looking for the 1936/37 table for Subotica group, but sadly we do not have the final table. – Croxyz💬 21:34, 16. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I finally completed fixing and expanding FK Bačka 1901 Subotica. I even added a table from all seasons from 1907 onwards.

For 1959/60 (Ligaški vremeplov) we're missing Podsavezna nogometna liga Beograd 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Šabac 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Valjevo 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Niš 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Leskovac 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Zaječar 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Vranje 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Pirot 1959./60., Podsavezna nogometna liga Dubrovnik 1959./60. (see #Kvalifikacije za Vojvođansku nogometnu ligu 1960./61.).

As for Galenika Zemun in 1982./83., I misread Prva savezna liga as Prva srpska liga.

According to it:Republičke_lige_1984-1985#Serbia 7. juli is 7. juli Vrčin and Kristal is Kristal Zaječar. – Croxyz💬 01:52, 17. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz Nogometno_prvenstvo_Jugoslavije_–_3._ligaški_rang_1982./83.#Srbija: For some reason they didn't report any tables for Prva srpska liga (they only printed match reports), but they did for lower leagues. Is available the table after 29th match-day? so it would be enough to add the results of the last day to obtain the final table. Ame71 (razgovor). 09:24, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I've checked several issues of that newspaper. None of them contained any tables sadly. What is your opinion on the MOŠK Gjerzelez Sarajevo article? The article is really short and it doesn't even have a foundation year. I don't even know what to name that article. – Croxyz💬 14:44, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz shame about the Srpska liga... I created the page of Gjerzelez on some years ago. Can it help you? Ame71 (razgovor). 15:21, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Speaking of, I totally forgot to point out errors in it:Nogometni Klub SAŠK Napredak. Yesterday I wrote around 90% of the corresponding Croatian article. Due to incomplete and often incorrect sources, I spent almost the entire day trying to get a coherent picture.
  • The Rifondazione parametre in Squadra di calcio should be 1995., or more accurately March 4th 1995. 1999, or more precisely April 15th 1999, was the date when SAŠK and another club called Napredak merged to form the modern-day club NK SAŠK Napredak.
  • F. Plaček, Đ. Novotni e N. Sulejmanović -> Frico Plaček, Đuro Novotni i Nedžad Sulejmanović
  • "ed ha come rivali lo" -> I didn't find any mentions of rivalries besides the one between SAŠK and the Serbian club (Slavija). This might've been a translation error of somekind (e.g. Asopposed to in As opposed to the Croatian club there was a Serbian, Jewish... getting translated to The formation of SAŠK was rivaled by the formation of Serbian, Jewish...)
  • Slavija (serbi), Đerzelez/Sarajevski (musulmani), Makabi/Barkohba (ebrei) ed il multietnico club dei lavoratori RŠD Hajduk. -> It should be noted that the name Slavija was used since 1921 (the club had a different name prior). I haven't researched the Đerzelez/Sarajevski ŠK name change, as well as the Makabi/Barkohba one (There was also another Jewish club called Hakoah which should be researched).
  • Come lo Slavija, il club viene rifondato dopo l'indipendenza bosniaca nel 1999. -> Neither Slavija, nor SAŠK were refounded in 1999. As I said previously, SAŠK was refounded on March 4th 1995.
  • L'anno successivo, lo SAŠK si fonde con i concittadini del NK Napredak -> L'anno successivo should be changed to April 15th 1999.
Croxyz💬 18:29, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
As for it:Nogometni klub Đerzelez:
  • Viene fondato come Muslimanski omladinski športski klub Đerzelez nel 1912 a Sarajevo -> I don't think that name is right for 1912. Do we have a source for the year?
  • nella capitale allo scoppio della prima guerra mondiale vi erano Slavija (serbi), SAŠK (croati), ŽŠK Makabi (detto anche Barkohba, ebrei) e RŠD Hajduk -> I don't know much about the subject, but I definitely know that the Slavija name did not exist in 1914 when World War 1 started. The foundation of SAŠK was a very complicating subject for me yesterday. From what I gathered it was founded in 1910, 1913 or possibly even in 1912. Luckily I managed to solve the puzzle by connecting all of the pieces. In 1913 Croats founded SAŠK. Some sources suggested that SAŠK could've split off from Osman, but I can't tell for certain as some sources suggest that the Serbian club (later known as Slavija) also split off from Slavija, while others claim that Osman changed its name to the Serbian club (They can't even agree on the name! Whatever the name may be, it's some variation of Srpski sportski klub, with the second word which stands for sport being the issue) or that Osman ceased to exist and that a new club called the Serbian sports club was founded (I don't know if it is connected to Osman in any way). Meanwhile, in 1910, when Osman 100% still existed but not under the Osman name which was coined in Split by the promoters a year or two later, the Sarajevo Croats founded Hrvatski ŠK. In 1914 all sports organisations disbanded due to World War 1. During the spring of 1918, the authorities allowed Hrvatski ŠK to be refounded again. In 1921 the club was forced to change its name due to it having a "nationalist" name (see the names of Sarajevo clubs in it:Prvi_razred_1920#Sarajevo and it:Prvi_razred_1920-1921#Sarajevo). The club changed its name to SAŠK. The information regarding Hrvatski ŠK is luckily preserved by a paper on the 60th birthday of the club president from 1913 onwards, although it claims that the club was founded in 1912. I didn't research Makabi/Barkohba nor Hajduk Sarajevo, so I can't confirm or deny those names.
  • l Đerzelez appare nella 1. Razred della Sarajevski podsavez (prima classe della sotto-federazione di Sarajevo), finendo 4º su 7 squadre. -> No mention of the season in which the 4th place was achieved.
I don't know anything about Đerzelez's history from 1940 onwards. – Croxyz💬 19:01, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz I created the page translating from the other languages. Sarajevo podsavezna seasons drove me crazy... Ame71 (razgovor). 22:52, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
In Croatian we have a phrase that goes: Where logic ends, Bosnia beginsCroxyz💬 23:53, 18. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Just a warning: I remember that we have multiple tables for Bosnia's seasons from the 80s. For those seasons I put the template. – Croxyz💬 18:35, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
@Croxyz at least could you tell me the 16 members of Srpska liga 1982-83 (so I join them in the 3. rank page) ? "7.juli Vrčin" and "FK Vrčin" are the same club? Ame71 (razgovor). 19:14, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I'll try and figure it out. – Croxyz💬 19:22, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Just a small correction: it's 7. juli Vrčin, not 7.juli Vrčin. – Croxyz💬 19:23, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Page 12 of Ibarske novosti, godina XXVI, broj 1552, 19. maj 1983. contains a table after the 25th leg (5 legs before the end of the season).
1. Kolubara
2. Sloga
3. Kristal
4. Budučnost
5. Sinđelić
6. Novi Pazar
7. Jagodina
8. Majdanpek
9. Rudar
10. Železničar
11. Loznica
12. Čukarički
13. FAP
14. Mačva
15. Radnički
16. 7. juli – Croxyz💬 19:31, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
According to the club's instagram page, they played twice in Srpska liga, which is odd as 7. juli Vrčin played in the 1985/86 season, as well as the previous ones – Croxyz💬 19:49, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
For the 1985/86 season I can't tell the goal-difference with 100% certainty, but it's either correct or almost correct: Ibarske novosti, godina XXXIX, broj 1712, 5. jun 1986., str. 12.
1. Majdanpek
2. Rudar
3. Čukarički
4. Rad. Zorka
5. Kolubara
6. Šumadija
7. Jedinstvo
8. Mačva
9. Dubočica
10. Budućnost
11. PKV Jumko
12. Obilić
13. Sinđelić
14. Radnič. (O)
15. Kristal
16. Đerdap
17. 7. jul (Why does it say 7. jul and not 7. juli???)
18. Sloga – Croxyz💬 20:13, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
As for 1984/85, the newspaper has 564:564 while it:Republičke_lige_1984-1985 has 564:563. The newspaper claims that Radnički Kragujevac has 17 wins, 12 draws and 1 loss with 45 points which is not possible. – Croxyz💬 20:33, 19. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
I have great news! I found a full name club list from a 1936 Yugoslavia Football Federation annual report. This list will certainly come in handy when adding links to articles. The list is currently situated at Suradnik:Croxyz/Tiskara. At the moment the list is full of red links. In the near future I’ll try to turn these red links into redirects, however I have a slight problem: I think the report has errors when it comes to S and Š. I am also not 100% sure which words to abbreviate, so I’ll first ask Cybermb on his opinion. This list can come in handy for expanding the podsavez articles on Italian Wiki. – Croxyz💬 01:23, 20. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Did you by chance, ever come across these Splitski podsavez results? – Croxyz💬 01:37, 20. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Or these? – Croxyz💬 14:15, 20. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor
or thisCroxyz💬 14:28, 20. siječnja 2025. (CET)Odgovor

I want to join the table of Srpska liga 1988./89. from ibarski novosti in 4. ligaški rang 1988./89., but I can not understand a thing: they call as just "Srpska liga", but I think it would be "Prva srpska liga - Jug", while Radnički Beograd won the "Prva srpska liga - Sjever". What's the real name of the league ? Ame71 (razgovor). 07:37, 1. veljače 2025. (CET)Odgovor

Without reading the Ibarske' novosti article I'd assume that there is no Srpska liga – Jug, as there are 2 clubs called Šumadija, a region south of Belgrade. Čukarički (a Belgrade club) is also visible in the table.
The table (I didn't check the goal difference):
1. Sloga – from the article: Kraljevo
2. Radnički (NB) – FK Radnički Novi Beograd, from the article: Beograd, Novi Beograd
3. Sinđelić
4. Majdanpek
5. Prvi partizan
6. BSK
7. Železničar (N)
8. Šumadija (A) – from the article: Aranđelovac
9. Šumadija (K)
10. Zmaj
11. Radnički Zorka
12. Železničar (L)
13. Topličanin
14. Mladost GOŠA
15. Čukarički
16. Radan
17. EI Mladost – from the article: Niš
18. Timok – from the article: Zaječar – Croxyz💬 18:50, 1. veljače 2025. (CET)Odgovor
In conclusion, the top 2 clubs (or more) gained promotion from Srpska liga. – Croxyz💬 18:51, 1. veljače 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Nogometno prvenstvo Jugoslavije – 3. ligaški rang 1989./90.
  • Primorske novine (Budva newspaper) had no tables
  • For Zmaj Makarska we have no seasons after the 50s
* For Bar we had this incorrect table. Its points match the ones on FSG Zrenjanin's site, however I can tell it's incorrect from the goal-difference.
While writing this I did not realise you already used that table. – Croxyz💬 23:54, 1. veljače 2025. (CET)Odgovor
Couldn't find anything sadly. – Croxyz💬 00:12, 2. veljače 2025. (CET)Odgovor