Diskografija The Animalsa
Diskografija rock sastava The Animals.
uredi"The Animals" albumi koji su varirali između britanskog i američkog izdanja. Brojne kompilacije i reizdanja izlaze svih ovih godina.
Britanska izdanja
uredi- The Animals (listopad 1964.)
- "Story of Bo Diddley"
- "Bury My Body"
- "Dimples"
- "I've Been Around"
- "I'm in Love Again"
- "The Girl Can't Help It"
- "I'm Mad Again"
- "She Said Yeah"
- "The Right Time"
- "Memphis Tennessee"
- "Boom Boom"
- "Around and Around"
- Animal Tracks (svibanj 1965.)
- "Mess Around"
- "How You've Changed"
- "Hallelujah I Love Her So"
- "I Believe to My Soul"
- "Worried Life Blues"
- "Roberta"
- "I Ain't Got You"
- "Bright Lights Big City"
- "Let the Good Times Roll"
- "For Miss Caulker"
- "Roadrunner"
- Animalisms (lipanj 1966.)
- "One Monkey Don't Stop No Show"
- "Maudie"
- "Outcast"
- "Sweet Little Sixteen"
- "You're on My Mind"
- "Clapping"
- "Gin House Blues"
- "Squeeze Her, Tease Her"
- "What Am I Living For"
- "I Put a Spell on You"
- "That's All I Am to You"
- "She'll Return It"
- Winds of Change (1967.) (Eric Burdon i Novi Animalsi)
- "Winds of Change"
- "Poem By the Sea"
- "Paint It Black"
- "The Black Plague"
- "Yes I'm Experienced"
- "San Franciscan Nights"
- "Man - Woman"
- "Hotel Hell"
- "Good Times"
- "Anything"
- "It's All Meat"
- The Twain Shall Meet (1968.)
- "Monterey"
- "Just the Thought"
- "Closer to the Truth"
- "No Self Pity"
- "Oranges and Red Beans"
- "Sky Pilot"
- "We Love You Lil"
- "All Is One"
- Love Is (1968.)
- "River Deep, Mountain High"
- "I'm an Animal"
- "I'm Dying, Or Am I"
- "Ring of Fire"
- "Colored Rain"
- "To Love Somebody"
- "As the Years Go Passing By"
- "Gemini - The Madman"
Američka izdanja
uredi- The Animals (MGM E/SE-4264, rujan 1964. -- Originalnom obliku albuma doprinijeli: Eric Burdon, Alan Price, Chas Chandler, Hilton Valentine i John Steel)
- "The House of the Rising Sun" (obrada 2:58 singl verzija)
- "Blue Feeling"
- "The Girl Can't Help It"
- "Baby Let Me Take You Home"
- "The Right Time"
- "Talkin' 'Bout You"
- "Around and Around"
- "I'm in Love Again"
- "Gonna Send You Back to Walker"
- "Memphis Tennessee"
- "I'm Mad Again"
- "I've Been Around"
- The Animals on Tour (MGM E/SE-4281, ožujak 1965.) (Bez obzira na naslov, album nije u živo snimljen)
- "Boom Boom"
- "How You've Changed"
- "I Believe to My Soul"
- "Mess Around"
- "Bright Lights, Big City"
- "Worried Life Blues"
- "Let the Good Times Roll"
- "I Ain't Got You"
- "Hallelujah I Love Her So"
- "I'm Crying"
- "Dimples"
- "She Said Yeah"
- Animal Tracks (MGM E/SE-4305, Rujan 1965. -- Originalnom obliku albuma doprinijeli klavijaturista Alan Price i Dave Rowberry.
- "We Gotta Get Out of This Place"
- "Take It Easy"
- "Bring It On Home to Me"
- "Roberta"
- "Story of Bo Diddley"
- "I Can't Believe It"
- "For Miss Caulker"
- "Club a Go-Go"
- "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
- "Bury My Body"
- The Best of The Animals (MGM E/SE-4324, veljača 1966.) (certifikat zlatni) (Prvi LP s novim klavijaturistom Rowberryem)
- "It's My Life"
- "Gonna Send You Back to Walker"
- "Bring It On Home to Me"
- "I'm Mad"
- "House of the Rising Sun" (4:29 obrađena verzija)
- "We Gotta Get Out of This Place"
- "Boom Boom"
- "I'm in Love Again"
- "Roberta"
- "I'm Crying"
- "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
- Animalization (MGM E/SE-4384, Kolovoz 1966. -- Svojstvo na skladbama dao je originalnini bubnjar John Steel (pojavljuje se na zadnjoj strani omota albuma) i novi bubnjar Barry Jenkins, (pojavljuje se na prednjoj strani omota albuma)
- "Don't Bring Me Down"
- "One Monkey Don't Stop No Show"
- "You're on My Mind"
- "She'll Return It"
- "Cheating"
- "She'll Return It" (Ova skladba nalazi se na albumu ali je nema na popisu omota albuma)
- "Inside Looking Out"
- "See See Rider"
- "Gin House Blues"
- "Maudie"
- "What Am I Living For"
- "Sweet Little Sixteen"
- "I Put a Spell on You"
- Animalism (MGM E/SE-4414, prosinac 1966.)
- "All Night Long"
- "Shake"
- "The Other Side of This Life"
- "Rock Me Baby"
- "Lucille"
- "Smoke Stack Lightning"
- "Hey Gyp"
- "Hit the Road Jack"
- "Outcast"
- "Louisiana Blues"
- "That's All I Am to You"
- "Going Down Slow"
- Eric Is Here (MGM E/SE-4433, ožujak 1967. -- Prvi LP od sastava "Eric Burdon and the Animals", doduše samo se Burdon i Jenkins pojavljuju na albumu)
- "In the Night"
- "Mama Told Me Not to Come"
- "I Think It's Gonna Rain Today"
- "On This Side of Goodbye"
- "That Ain't Where It's At"
- "True Love (Comes Only Once in a Lifetime)"
- "Help Me Girl"
- "Wait Till Next Year"
- "Losin' Control"
- "It's Not Easy"
- "The Biggest Bundle of Them All"
- "It's Been a Long Time Comin'"
- The Best of Eric Burdon and The Animals Vol. II (MGM E/SE-4454, lipanj 1967. -- Svojstvo album daju prethodno izašle skladbe i novi singl Burdona, Jenkinsa, Johna Weidera, Vica Briggsa i Dannya McCullougha)
- "When I Was Young"
- "A Girl Named Sandoz"
- "Don't Bring Me Down"
- "She'll Return It"
- "See See Rider" (neispravno prikazano vrijeme na singlu 2:44, umjesto 4:00 kako je na ovoj verziji ovdje)
- "The Other Side of Life"
- "Hey Gyp"
- "Help Me Girl"
- "That Ain't Where It's At"
- "You're on My Mind"
- "Inside Looking Out"
- "Cheating"
- Winds of Change (MGM E/SE-4484, rujan 1967. -- Prvi potpuni LP koji sadrži nove skladbe od Burdona, Jenkinsa, Weidera, Briggsa, McCullougha)
- "Winds of Change"
- "Poem by the Sea"
- "Paint It Black"
- "The Black Plague"
- "Yes, I Am Experienced"
- "San Franciscan Nights"
- "Man-Woman"
- "Hotel Hell"
- "Good Times"
- "Anything"
- "It's All Meat"
- The Twain Shall Meet (MGM E/SE-4537, travanja 1968.)
- "Monterey"
- "Just the Thought"
- "Closer to the Truth"
- "No Self Pity"
- "Orange and Red Beams"
- "Sky Pilot"
- "We Love You Lil"
- "All Is One"
- Every One Of Us (MGM SE-4553, kolovoz 1968. -- U sastav dolazi George Bruno)
- "White Houses"
- "Uppers and Downers"
- "Serenade to a Sweet Lady"
- "The Immigrant Lad"
- "Year of the Guru"
- "St. James Infirmary"
- "New York 1963 - America 1968"
- Love Is (2 record set, MGM SE-4591-2, listopad 1968. -- U sastav ponovno dolazi kvintet nakon odlaska Briggsa i McCullough i dolasak budućeg člana sastava The Police Andya Summersa. George Bruno vraća se na "Zoot Money" kao pseudonimza ovaj LP)
- "River Deep, Mountain High"
- "I'm an Animal"
- "I'm Dying, Or Am I"
- "Ring of Fire"
- "Colored Rain"
- "To Love Somebody"
- "As The Years Go Passing By"
- "Gemini - The Madman"
- The Greatest Hits of Eric Burdon and The Animals (MGM SE-4602, ožujak 1969.)
- "River Deep, Mountain High"
- "San Franciscan Nights"
- "Year of the Guru"
- "Anything"
- "Monterey"
- "White Houses"
- "Winds of Change"
- "To Love Somebody"
- "Sky Pilot"
Izostavljena na singlovima SAD (B-strana)
uredi- "I'm Going to Change the World" (B-strana na "It's My Life")
- "Ain't That So" (B-strana na "Monterey")
Izostavljene skladbe s popisa albuma
uredi- British Go Go (siječanj 1965.)
- In the Beginning (Uživo, 1965.)
- Rock Generation Vol. 2 (BYG 529 702, neodređena godina)
- Rock Generation Vol. 4 (BYG 529 704, neodređena godina)
- Night Time Is the Right Time (Springboard 4065, neodređena godina)
Nanovo izdani albumi
uredi- Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted (Jet JT-LA 790-H, 1977.)
- "Brother Bill (The Last Clean Shirt)"
- "It's All Over Now, Baby Blue"
- "Fire on the Sun"
- "As the Crow Flies"
- "Please Send Me Someone to Love"
- "Many Rivers to Cross"
- "Just a Little Bit"
- "Riverside County"
- "Lonely Avenue"
- "The Fool"
- Ark (1983.)
- "Loose Change"
- "Love Is for All Time"
- "My Favourite Enemy"
- "Prisoner of the Light"
- "Being There"
- "Hard Times"
- "The Night"
- "Trying to Get You"
- "Just Can't Get Enough"
- "Melt Down"
- "Gotta Get Back to You"
- "Crystal Nights"
- "No John No"
- Greatest Hits Live (Rip It to Shreds) (1984.)
- "It's Too Late"
- "House of the Rising Sun"
- "It's My Life"
- "Don't Bring Me Down"
- "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood"
- "I'm Crying"
- "Bring It On Home to Me"
- "O Lucky Man!"
- "Boom Boom"
- "We've Gotta Get Out of This Place"
- "When I Was Young"
Kompilacije i reizdanja kroz njihovu karijeru
uredi- Best of The Animals (Abkco 4426, 1973. -- 2 LP seta)
- Best of The Animals (Abkco 4324 -- 1 LP, kompilacija prvo izlazi u SAD-u a onda u VB-u.)
- Best of The Animals (Springboard 4025, 1973.)
- The Best of The Animals (Kompilacijski album, 1988.)
- The Best of The Animals (Kompilacijski album, 1997.)
- Interesting Life (2003.)
- Complete French EP 1964./1967. (2003.)
- Retrospective (Kompilacijski album, 2004.)
Britanski EP
uredi- The Animals Is Here – "House of the Rising Sun"/"Gonna Send You Back to Walker"/"I'm Crying"/"Baby Let Me Take You Home" (1964. Columbia SEG 8374)
- The Animals – "Boom Boom"/"Around and Around"/"Dimples"/"I've Been Around" (1964. Columbia SEG 8400)
- The Animals No. 2 – "I'm in Love Again"/"Bury My Body"/"I'm Mad Again"/"She Said Yeah" (1965. Columbia SEG 8439)
- Animal Tracks – "How You've Changed"/"I Believe to My Soul"/"Let The Good Times Roll"/"Worried Life Blues" (September 1965. Columbia SEG 8499)
- In the Beginning There Was Early Animals – "I Just Wanna Make Love to You"/"Boom Boom"/"Big Boss Man"/"Pretty Thing" (January 1966. Decca DFE 8643)
urediGodina | Naziv singla | VB | SAD |
The Animals | |||
1964 | "Baby Let Me Take You Home" | 21 | - |
1964 | "Gonna Send You Back to Walker" | - | 57 |
1964 | "House of the Rising Sun" (2:58 edit) | 1 | 1 |
1964 | "I'm Crying" | 8 | 19 |
1965 | "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" | 3 | 15 |
1965 | "Bring It On Home to Me" | 7 | 32 |
1965 | "We Gotta Get Out of This Place" | 2 | 13 |
1965 | "It's My Life" | 7 | 23 |
1966 | "Inside-Looking Out" | 12 | 34 |
1966 | "Don't Bring Me Down" | 6 | 12 |
Eric Burdon and the New Animals | |||
1966 | "See See Rider" (2:44 edit) | - | 10 |
1966 | "Help Me Girl" | 14 | 29 |
1967 | "When I Was Young" | 45 | 15 |
1967 | "Good Times" | 20 | - |
1967 | "San Franciscan Nights" | 7 | 9 |
1967 | "Anything" | - | 80 |
1967 | "Monterey" | - | 15 |
1968 | "Sky Pilot" | 40 | 14 |
1968 | "White Houses" | - | 67 |
1969 | "Ring of Fire" | 35 | - |
1969 | "River Deep, Mountain High" | - | - |
Reissues | |||
1972 | "House of the Rising Sun" | 25 | - |
1982 | "House of the Rising Sun" | 11 | - |
The Animals (reunited) | |||
1983 | "The Night" | - | 48 |
Vanjske poveznice