Dodatak:Popis vrsta:Tax

  • Taksoni:

Porodica Taxaceae S. F. Gray

  1. Amentotaxus Pilg., 1916 [1]
  2. Austrotaxus Compton, 1922 [1]
  3. Cephalotaxus Siebold & Zucc. ex Endl., 1842 [1]
  4. Pseudotaxus W.C. Cheng, 1947 [1]
  5. Taxus L., 1753 [1]
  6. Torreya Arn., 1838 [1]

Plantae → Pinophyta → Pinopsida → Pinales

Plantae > Magnoliophyta > Magnoliopsida > Myrtales > Myrtaceae

Taxidea Waterhouse, 1839


Animalia → Chordata → Mammalia → Carnivora → Mustelidae

  • Taxilejeunea chimborazensis

Plantae > Marchantiophyta > Jungermanniopsida > Porellales > Lejeuneaceae

Animalia > Cnidaria > Anthozoa > Antipatharia > Schizopathidae

Plantae > Bryophyta > Bryopsida > Hypnales > Hypnaceae

  1. Taxiphyllum alare (Broth. & Yasuda) S.H. Lin
  2. Taxiphyllum alternans (Cardot) Z. Iwats.
  3. Taxiphyllum andersonii (E.B. Bartram) H.A. Crum
  4. Taxiphyllum angustirete (Broth.) W.R. Buck
  5. Taxiphyllum aomoriense (Besch.) Z. Iwats.
  6. Taxiphyllum arcuatum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) S. He
  7. Taxiphyllum assimile (Broth. ex Iisiba) Sakurai
  8. Taxiphyllum autoicum Thér.
  9. Taxiphyllum barbieri (Cardot & Copp.) Z. Iwats.
  10. Taxiphyllum cavernicola (Cardot) Thér.
  11. Taxiphyllum cuspidifolium (Cardot) Z. Iwats.
  12. Taxiphyllum densifolium (Lindb. ex Broth.) Reimers
  13. Taxiphyllum deplanatum (Bruch & Schimp. ex Sull.) M. Fleisch.
  14. Taxiphyllum eberhardtii (Broth. & Paris) Broth.
  15. Taxiphyllum elegantifrons (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  16. Taxiphyllum eximium (Sull. & Lesq.) Z. Iwats.
  17. Taxiphyllum fauriei (Cardot) Broth.
  18. Taxiphyllum fluitans Broth.
  19. Taxiphyllum gabonense Broth. & P. de la Varde
  20. Taxiphyllum geophilum (Austin) M. Fleisch.
  21. Taxiphyllum giraldii (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch.
  22. Taxiphyllum hisauchii (S. Okamura) Iisiba
  23. Taxiphyllum inundatum Reimers
  24. Taxiphyllum isopterygioides (Dixon) W.R. Buck
  25. Taxiphyllum kuroiwae (Broth.) Z. Iwats.
  26. Taxiphyllum laevifolium (Mitt.) W.R. Buck
  27. Taxiphyllum laxalare W.R. Buck
  28. Taxiphyllum ligulaefolium (E.B. Bartram) W.R. Buck
  29. Taxiphyllum mariannae (Grout) Schornh.
  30. Taxiphyllum mexicanum (Thér.) H. Rob.
  31. Taxiphyllum minutirameum (Müll. Hal.) H.A. Mill. & D.R. Sm.
  32. Taxiphyllum moutieri (Broth. & Paris) Broth.
  33. Taxiphyllum nitidum (Thér.) W.R. Buck
  34. Taxiphyllum papuanum (Broth.) M. Fleisch.
  35. Taxiphyllum patentifolium Sakurai
  36. Taxiphyllum pilosum (Broth. & M. Yasuda) Z. Iwats.
  37. Taxiphyllum planifrons (Broth. & Paris) M. Fleisch.
  38. Taxiphyllum planissimum (Mitt.) Broth.
  39. Taxiphyllum prostratum (Dozy & Molk.) W.R. Buck
  40. Taxiphyllum punctulatum M. Fleisch.
  41. Taxiphyllum ramivagum Broth.
  42. Taxiphyllum robusticaule (E.B. Bartram) Ireland
  43. Taxiphyllum robustum (Broth.) Broth.
  44. Taxiphyllum sadoense (Sakurai) Z. Iwats.
  45. Taxiphyllum scalpellifolium (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  46. Taxiphyllum schweinfurthii (Müll. Hal.) W.R. Buck
  47. Taxiphyllum serrulatum (Cardot) S.H. Lin
  48. Taxiphyllum sharpii (H.A. Crum & L.E. Anderson) H. Rob.
  49. Taxiphyllum splendescens (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch.
  50. Taxiphyllum squamatulum (Müll. Hal.) M. Fleisch.
  51. Taxiphyllum subarcuatum (Broth.) Z. Iwats.
  52. Taxiphyllum subassimile (Broth. ex Iisiba) Sakurai
  53. Taxiphyllum subretusum (Thwaites & Mitt.) O'Shea
  54. Taxiphyllum taxirameum (Mitt.) M. Fleisch.
  55. Taxiphyllum torrentium (Besch.) W.R. Buck
  56. Taxiphyllum townsendii Ochyra & R.R. Ireland
  57. Taxiphyllum tsunodae (Broth.) Sakurai
  58. Taxiphyllum whittierianum H.A. Mill. & D.R. Sm.
  59. Taxiphyllum wissgrillii (Garov.) Wijk & Margad.

status nije riješen:

  1. Taxiphyllum horridulum Iisiba
  2. Taxiphyllum iwasakii Sakurai
  3. Taxiphyllum molle Sakurai
  4. Taxiphyllum nitidulum Sakurai
  5. Taxiphyllum taiwanense Sakurai

Plantae → Bryophyta → Bryopsida → Hypnales → Hypnaceae

Plantae > Bryophyta > Bryopsida > Hypnales > Fabroniaceae

Taxithelium Spruce ex Mitt.

  1. Taxithelium afroacuminulatum (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  2. Taxithelium alare Broth.
  3. Taxithelium andongense (A. Gepp) Broth.
  4. Taxithelium annandii Broth. & Watts
  5. Taxithelium archboldii E.B. Bartram
  6. Taxithelium argyrophyllum Renauld & Cardot
  7. Taxithelium bakeri Broth.
  8. Taxithelium benguetiae Broth.
  9. Taxithelium bilobatum Dixon
  10. Taxithelium binsteadii Broth. & Dixon
  11. Taxithelium borneense Broth.
  12. Taxithelium brassii E.B. Bartram
  13. Taxithelium capillarisetum (Dixon) Broth.
  14. Taxithelium capillipes (Sande Lac.) Broth.
  15. Taxithelium celatum (Mitt.) Broth.
  16. Taxithelium chloropterum (Müll. Hal.) Renauld & Cardot
  17. Taxithelium clastobryoides Dixon
  18. Taxithelium compressicaule Broth.
  19. Taxithelium concavum (Hook.) Spruce ex J. Florsch.
  20. Taxithelium confusum Cardot
  21. Taxithelium convolutum Dixon
  22. Taxithelium damanhurianum Camara, P.E.
  23. Taxithelium deningeri Herzog
  24. Taxithelium diaphanum (Broth.) Broth.
  25. Taxithelium dimorphophyllum Dixon & Herzog
  26. Taxithelium distichophyllum (Hampe ex Dozy & Molk.) Broth.
  27. Taxithelium epapillosum Dixon
  28. Taxithelium falcatulum Broth. & Paris
  29. Taxithelium falcifolium E.B. Bartram
  30. Taxithelium francii Thér.
  31. Taxithelium friedense D.H. Norris & T.J. Kop.
  32. Taxithelium glabratum Broth. & Geh.
  33. Taxithelium glabrisetum (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  34. Taxithelium glabriusculum Broth.
  35. Taxithelium glaucophyllum Besch.
  36. Taxithelium glaucovirens Cardot
  37. Taxithelium gottscheanum (Hampe ex Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  38. Taxithelium guineense Broth. & Paris
  39. Taxithelium herpetium (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  40. Taxithelium hirtellum Paris & Renauld
  41. Taxithelium homalophyllum (Mitt.) Broth.
  42. Taxithelium impellucidum (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  43. Taxithelium inerme Tixier
  44. Taxithelium instratum (Brid.) Broth.
  45. Taxithelium isocladioides Dixon
  46. Taxithelium isocladum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) Renauld & Cardot
  47. Taxithelium juruense (Broth.) Broth.
  48. Taxithelium kerianum (Broth.) Broth.
  49. Taxithelium kuilui (Müll. Hal.) Renauld & Cardot
  50. Taxithelium kuniense Broth. & Paris
  51. Taxithelium laevifolium (Mitt.) Broth.
  52. Taxithelium laeviusculum Dixon
  53. Taxithelium latitruncatum Cardot
  54. Taxithelium leptopunctatum Broth.
  55. Taxithelium leptosigmatum (Müll. Hal. ex Geh.) Paris
  56. Taxithelium levieri (Broth. & Geh.) Broth.
  57. Taxithelium liukiuense Sakurai
  58. Taxithelium ludovicae Broth. & Paris
  59. Taxithelium magnum M. Fleisch.
  60. Taxithelium meiothecioides Broth.
  61. Taxithelium merrillii Broth.
  62. Taxithelium microcarpum Thér.
  63. Taxithelium microthamnioides (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  64. Taxithelium mixtum Herzog
  65. Taxithelium mundulum (Sull.) E.B. Bartram
  66. Taxithelium muscicola (Broth.) B.C. Tan, H.P. Ramsay & W.B. Schofield
  67. Taxithelium neo-caledonicum Thér.
  68. Taxithelium nepalense (Schwägr.) Broth.
  69. Taxithelium nigerianum Broth. & Paris
  70. Taxithelium nitidulum Broth. & Paris
  71. Taxithelium nossianum Besch.
  72. Taxithelium novae-valesiae (Broth.) Broth.
  73. Taxithelium novae-zeelandiae E.B. Bartram & Dixon
  74. Taxithelium oblongifolium (Sull. & Lesq.) Z. Iwats.
  75. Taxithelium octodiceroides (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
  76. Taxithelium olidum (Müll. Hal.) Renauld & Cardot
  77. Taxithelium orthothecium (A. Jaeger) Broth.
  78. Taxithelium papillatum (Harv.) Broth.
  79. Taxithelium papillisetum M. Fleisch.
  80. Taxithelium parvulum (Broth. & Paris) Broth.
  81. Taxithelium perglabrum Broth. & Paris
  82. Taxithelium perminutum Broth.
  83. Taxithelium petrophilum R.S. Williams
  84. Taxithelium planissimum Broth.
  85. Taxithelium planulum Besch.
  86. Taxithelium planum (Brid.) Mitt.
  87. Taxithelium pluripunctatum (Renauld & Cardot) W.R. Buck
  88. Taxithelium pobeguinii Broth. & Paris
  89. Taxithelium polyandrum Dixon
  90. Taxithelium portoricense R.S. Williams
  91. Taxithelium protensum Dixon
  92. Taxithelium pseudo-acuminulatum (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  93. Taxithelium pseudoamoenum (Bél.) Renauld
  94. Taxithelium quelchii (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  95. Taxithelium ramicola Broth.
  96. Taxithelium ramivagum Broth.
  97. Taxithelium rhaphidostegioides (Broth.) Broth.
  98. Taxithelium rhizophoreti (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  99. Taxithelium robinsonii Broth.
  100. Taxithelium rotundatulum Broth.
  101. Taxithelium samoanum (Mitt.) Mitt.
  102. Taxithelium schmidtii Broth.
  103. Taxithelium schweinfurthii (Müll. Hal.) A. Jaeger
  104. Taxithelium scutellifolium Besch.
  105. Taxithelium selenithecium (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  106. Taxithelium spathulifolium Dixon
  107. Taxithelium spuriosubtile Broth.
  108. Taxithelium stenosekos (Welw. & Duby) Broth.
  109. Taxithelium subandinum Herzog
  110. Taxithelium subintegrum Broth. & Dixon
  111. Taxithelium sublaevifolium Broth. & Paris
  112. Taxithelium suboctodiceras Broth. & Paris
  113. Taxithelium subrotundatulum Broth. & Paris
  114. Taxithelium subsimilans (Broth. & Geh.) Broth.
  115. Taxithelium subtile (Cardot) Broth.
  116. Taxithelium sumatranum (Bosch & Sande Lac.) Broth.
  117. Taxithelium tabescens (Müll. Hal.) Kindb.
  118. Taxithelium tenuisetum (Sull.) Mitt.
  119. Taxithelium tongense (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  120. Taxithelium trachaelocarpum (Ångström) Broth.
  121. Taxithelium trachychaetum (F. Muell.) Paris
  122. Taxithelium turgidellum (Müll. Hal.) Paris
  123. Taxithelium uematsui Broth. ex Iisiba
  124. Taxithelium variegatum (Welw. & Duby) A. Jaeger
  125. Taxithelium ventrifolium (Müll. Hal.) Broth.
  126. Taxithelium vernieri (Duby) Besch.
  127. Taxithelium voeltzkowii Broth.
  128. Taxithelium wattsii Broth.
  129. Taxithelium werneri (Herzog) Broth.
  130. Taxithelium wewakense E.B. Bartram
  131. Taxithelium yakoushimae Cardot
status nije riješen:
  1. Taxithelium aureolum Cardot

Plantae → Bryophyta → Bryopsida → Hypnales → Sematophyllaceae Plantae > Bryophyta > Bryopsida > Hypnales > Sematophyllaceae

Porodica Taxodiaceae Saporta, 1865

  1. Athrotaxis D. Don, 1838 [2]
  2. Cryptomeria D. Don, 1838 [2]
  3. Cunninghamia R. Br. ex A. Rich., 1826 [2]
  4. Glyptostrobus Endl., 1847 [2]
  5. Metasequoia H.H. Hu & W.C. Cheng, 1948 [2]
  6. Sciadopitys Siebold & Zucc., 1842 [2]
  7. Sequoia Endl., 1847 [2]
  8. Sequoiadendron J. Buchholz, 1939 [2]
  9. Taiwania Hayata, 1906 [2]
  10. Taxodium Rich., 1810 [2]

Plantae → Pinophyta → Pinopsida → Pinales

Taxodium Rich., 1810


Plantae → Tracheophyta → Pinopsida → Pinales → Cupressaceae

Fungi > Ascomycota

Plantae → Pinophyta → Pinopsida → Pinales → Taxaceae


  1. a b c d e f [1] The Plant List Taxaceae
  2. a b c d e f g h i j [2] The Plant List (2010)
  3. a b [3] The Plant List Taxodium

Popis taksona:Ta