Dodatak:Popis vrsta vodozemaca, An

Anaschima Branson 1905


Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Metoposauridae

Anaschisma Branson 1905


Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Metoposauridae

Anaxyrus Tschudi, 1845 (22 sp.)


Amphibia → Anura → Bufonidae

Anconastes Berman et al. 1987

  1. Anconastes vesperus Berman et al. 1987

Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Trematopidae

Ancudia Philippi, 1902

sinonim: Ancudia concolor Philippi, 1902

Andinobates Twomey et al., 2011

  1. Andinobates abditus (Myers and Daly, 1976)
  2. Andinobates altobueyensis (Silverstone, 1975)
  3. Andinobates bombetes (Myers and Daly, 1980)
  4. Andinobates cassidyhornae Amézquita, Márquez, Mejía-Vargas, Kahn, Suárez, and Mazariegos, 2013
  5. Andinobates claudiae (Jungfer, Lötters, and Jörgens, 2000)
  6. Andinobates daleswansoni (Rueda-Almonacid, Rada, Sánchez-Pacheco, Velásquez-Álvarez, and Quevedo-Gil, 2006)
  7. Andinobates dorisswansonae (Rueda-Almonacid, Rada, Sánchez-Pacheco, Velásquez-Álvarez, and Quevedo-Gil, 2006)
  8. Andinobates fulguritus (Silverstone, 1975)
  9. Andinobates geminisae Batista, Jaramillo, Ponce, and Crawford, 2014
  10. Andinobates minutus (Shreve, 1935)
  11. Andinobates opisthomelas (Boulenger, 1899)
  12. Andinobates tolimensis (Bernal-Bautista, Luna-Mora, Gallego, and Quevedo-Gil, 2007)
  13. Andinobates viridis (Myers and Daly, 1976)
  14. Andinobates virolinensis (Ruiz-Carranza and Ramírez-Pinilla, 1992)

Amphibia → Anura → Dendrobatidae → Dendrobatinae

Andrias Tschudi, 1837

  1. Andrias davidianus (Blanchard, 1871)
  2. Andrias japonicus (Temminck, 1836)

Amphibia → Caudata → Cryptobranchidae

Aneides Baird, 1851

  1. Aneides aeneus (Cope and Packard, 1881)
  2. Aneides ferreus Cope, 1869
  3. Aneides flavipunctatus (Strauch, 1870)
  4. Aneides hardii (Taylor, 1941)
  5. Aneides iecanus (Cope, 1883)
  6. Aneides lugubris (Hallowell, 1849)
  7. Aneides niger Myers and Maslin, 1948
  8. Aneides vagrans Wake and Jackman, 1999

Amphibia → Caudata → Plethodontidae → Plethodontinae

Angusaurus Getmanov 1989

  1. Angusaurus dentatus Getmanov 1989
  2. Angusaurus succedaneus Getmanov 1989
  3. Angusaurus tsylmensis Novikov 1990 (?= Trematosaurus [S02])
  4. Angusaurus weidenbaumi (= Trematosaurus w. = Thoosuchus w.) Kuzmin 1935

Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Capitosauroidea → Benthosuchidae

Anodonthyla Müller, 1892

  1. Anodonthyla boulengerii Müller, 1892
  2. Anodonthyla emilei Vences, Glaw, Köhler, and Wollenberg, 2010
  3. Anodonthyla hutchisoni Fenolio, Walvoord, Stout, Randrianirina, and Andreone, 2007
  4. Anodonthyla jeanbai Vences, Glaw, Köhler, and Wollenberg, 2010
  5. Anodonthyla montana Angel, 1925
  6. Anodonthyla moramora Glaw and Vences, 2005
  7. Anodonthyla nigrigularis Glaw and Vences, 1992
  8. Anodonthyla pollicaris (Boettger, 1913)
  9. Anodonthyla rouxae Guibé, 1974 (ugrožena)
  10. Anodonthyla theoi Vences, Glaw, Köhler, and Wollenberg, 2010
  11. Anodonthyla vallani Vences, Glaw, Köhler, and Wollenberg, 2010

Amphibia → Anura → Microhylidae → Cophylinae

Potporodica Anomaloglossinae Grant et al., 2006

  1. Anomaloglossus Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel, and Wheeler, 2006
  2. Rheobates Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel, and Wheeler, 2006

Amphibia → Anura → Aromobatidae

Anomaloglossus Grant et al., 2006

  1. Anomaloglossus apiau Fouquet, Souza, Nunes, Kok, Curcio, Carvalho, Grant, and Rodrigues, 2015
  2. Anomaloglossus astralogaster Myers, Ibáñez, Grant, and Jaramillo, 2012
  3. Anomaloglossus atopoglossus (Grant, Humphrey, and Myers, 1997)
  4. Anomaloglossus ayarzaguenai (La Marca, 1997)
  5. Anomaloglossus baeobatrachus (Boistel and Massary, 1999)
  6. Anomaloglossus beebei (Noble, 1923)
  7. Anomaloglossus breweri (Barrio-Amorós, 2006)
  8. Anomaloglossus confusus Myers and Grant, 2009
  9. Anomaloglossus degranvillei (Lescure, 1975)
  10. Anomaloglossus guanayensis (La Marca, 1997)
  11. Anomaloglossus isthminus Myers, Ibáñez, Grant, and Jaramillo, 2012
  12. Anomaloglossus kaiei (Kok, Sambhu, Roopsind, Lenglet, and Bourne, 2006)
  13. Anomaloglossus lacrimosus (Myers, 1991)
  14. Anomaloglossus leopardus Ouboter and Jairam, 2012
  15. Anomaloglossus megacephalus Kok, MacCulloch, Lathrop, Willaert, and Bossuyt, 2010
  16. Anomaloglossus moffetti Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008
  17. Anomaloglossus murisipanensis (La Marca, 1997)
  18. Anomaloglossus parimae (La Marca, 1997)
  19. Anomaloglossus parkerae (Meinhardt and Parmalee, 1996)
  20. Anomaloglossus praderioi (La Marca, 1997)
  21. Anomaloglossus roraima (La Marca, 1997)
  22. Anomaloglossus rufulus (Gorzula, 1990)
  23. Anomaloglossus shrevei (Rivero, 1961)
  24. Anomaloglossus stepheni (Martins, 1989)
  25. Anomaloglossus surinamensis Ouboter and Jairam, 2012
  26. Anomaloglossus tamacuarensis (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
  27. Anomaloglossus tepequem Fouquet, Souza, Nunes, Kok, Curcio, Carvalho, Grant, and Rodrigues, 2015
  28. Anomaloglossus tepuyensis (La Marca, 1997)
  29. Anomaloglossus triunfo (Barrio-Amorós, Fuentes-Ramos, and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2004)
  30. Anomaloglossus verbeeksnyderorum Barrio-Amorós, Santos, and Jovanovic, 2010
  31. Anomaloglossus wothuja (Barrio-Amorós, Fuentes-Ramos, and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2004)

Amphibia → Anura → Aromobatidae → Anomaloglossinae

Anotheca Smith, 1939


Amphibia → Anura → Hylidae → Hylinae

Ansonia Stoliczka, 1870 (28 sp.)


Amphibia → Anura → Bufonidae

Klada Anthracosauria Säve-Söderbergh 1934

  1. Anthracosauroidea Cope 1872
  2. Attenosaurus Aldrich and Jones 1930
  3. Batrachosauria Efremov 1946
  4. Chroniosuchida
  5. Diplomeri Romer 1964
  6. Embolomera Cope 1880
  7. Eoherpetontidae
  8. Gephyrostegida
  9. Gephyrostegoidea
  10. Lanthanosuchida
  11. Mauchchunkiidae Hotton, III 1970
  12. Nycteroleterida
  13. Proterogyrinidae Romer 1970
  14. Schizomeri Romer 1964
  15. Seymouriamorphoidea
  16. Seymourida
  17. Tokosauridae Tverdokhlebova and Ivakhnenko 1984

Amphibia → Reptiliomorpha

Red †Anthracosauromorpha Ivakhnenko and Tverdokhlebova 1980


Animalia → Chordata → Amphibia

Red Anura Fischer von Waldheim, 1813

  1. Allophrynidae Savage, 1973
  2. Alsodidae Mivart, 1869 (29 sp.)
  3. Alytidae Fitzinger, 1843 (12 sp.)
  4. Aromobatidae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel, and Wheeler, 2006
  5. Arthroleptidae Mivart, 1869
  6. Ascaphidae Fejérváry, 1923
  7. Atopophrynus Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1982
  8. Batrachylidae Gallardo, 1965
  9. Bombinatoridae Gray, 1825
  10. Brachycephalidae Günther, 1858
  11. Brevicipitidae Bonaparte, 1850
  12. Bufonidae Gray, 1825
  13. Calyptocephalellidae Reig, 1960
  14. Centrolenidae Taylor, 1951
  15. Ceratobatrachidae Boulenger, 1884
  16. Ceratophryidae Tschudi, 1838
  17. Conrauidae Dubois, 1992
  18. Craugastoridae Hedges, Duellman, and Heinicke, 2008
  19. Cycloramphidae Bonaparte, 1850
  20. Dendrobatidae Cope, 1865
  21. Dicroglossidae Anderson, 1871
  22. Eleutherodactylidae Lutz, 1954
  23. Geobatrachus Ruthven, 1915
  24. Heleophrynidae Noble, 1931
  25. Hemiphractidae Peters, 1862
  26. Hemisotidae Cope, 1867
  27. Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815
  28. Hylodidae Günther, 1858
  29. Hyperoliidae Laurent, 1943
  30. Leiopelmatidae Mivart, 1869
  31. Leptodactylidae Werner, 1896 (1838)
  32. Limnodynastidae Lynch, 1969
  33. Mantellidae Laurent, 1946
  34. Megophryidae Bonaparte, 1850
  35. Micrixalidae Dubois, Ohler, and Biju, 2001
  36. Microhylidae Günther, 1858 (1843)
  37. Myobatrachidae Schlegel, 1850
  38. Nasikabatrachidae Biju and Bossuyt, 2003
  39. Nyctibatrachidae Blommers-Schlösser, 1993
  40. Odontobatrachidae Barej, Schmitz, Günther, Loader, Mahlow, and Rödel, 2014
  41. Odontophrynidae Lynch, 1969
  42. Pelobatidae Bonaparte, 1850
  43. Pelodryadidae Günther, 1858
  44. Pelodytidae Bonaparte, 1850
  45. Petropedetidae Noble, 1931
  46. Phrynobatrachidae Laurent, 1941
  47. Phyllomedusidae Günther, 1858
  48. Pipidae Gray, 1825
  49. Ptychadenidae Dubois, 1987
  50. Pyxicephalidae Bonaparte, 1850
  51. Ranidae Batsch 1796
  52. Ranixalidae Dubois, 1987
  53. Rhacophoridae Hoffman, 1932 (1858)
  54. Rhinodermatidae Bonaparte, 1850
  55. Rhinophrynidae Günther, 1859
  56. Scaphiopodidae Cope, 1865
  57. Sooglossidae Noble, 1931
  58. Telmatobiidae Fitzinger, 1843

Amphibia → Lissamphibia → Salientia

