Dodatak:Popis vrsta vodozemaca, St

, Staurois

Stefania Rivero, 1968 (19 sp.)


Amphibia → Anura → Hemiphractidae , Stegops † , Stereochilus , Stereocyclops

Stereospondyli von Zittel 1887

  1. Boreosaurus Nilsson 1943
  2. Brachyopomorpha Warren and Marsicano 2000
  3. Capitosauria Yates and Warren 2000
  4. Cryobatrachus Colbert and Cosgriff 1974
  5. Diadetognathus Miall 1874
  6. Kryostega Sidor et al. 2008
  7. Labyrinthodontia Owen, 1860
  8. Laccocephalus Watson 1919
  9. Lapillopsidae
  10. Lydekkerina Broom 1915
  11. Lydekkerinidae Watson 1919
  12. Mastodonsauroidea Lydekker, 1885
  13. Pachygonia Huxley 1865
  14. Peltobatrachus Panchen 1959
  15. Rhinesuchidae Watson 1919
  16. Rhytidostea Schoch and Milner 2000
  17. Trematosauria Yates and Warren 2000

Amphibia → Temnospondyli → Eryopiformes → Stereospondylomorpha Sterrichrotes,

, Stoschiosaurus Säve-Söderbergh, 1935 †

, Strabomantidae

Strabomantis Peters, 1863 (16 sp.)


Amphibia → Anura → Craugastoridae → Craugastorinae

Strauchbufo Fei, Ye, and Jiang, 2012 (1 sp.)


Amphibia → Anura → Bufonidae Strepsichrotes , Strongylopus

, Stumpffia

