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Redak 2.017:
Još jedna zamolba za kraj: molim izbrišite [[Predložak:Citiranje weba/doc]], jer ne služi ničemu.
Mnogo hvala!!! --[[Suradnik:Ivi104|Ivi104]] <small>([[Razgovor sa suradnikom:Ivi104|razgovor]])</small> 10:30, 14. ožujka 2017. (CET)
== New wikipedia article ==
Dear SpeedyGonsales !
Thank you for welcoming me on Hrvatska Wikipedia!
I just posted my first article, and I might need a bit of help to improve it.
I’m an intern in a belgian museum, and i'm working on the Codex Eyckensis project (codexeyckensis.blogspot.be): it is a study and communication project on the Codex Eyckensis, a 8th century manuscript.
One of the objectives of this project is to make information available to the general public. A text was thus written in Dutch, summing up information from different sources, intended for Wikipedia. This text was then translated (by professionals, so hopefully it’s well done) in numerous languages.
I have the task to post the different versions. However, could I ask you for a proofreading ? And also, to translate the sentences that are still in English, like the caption ? https://hr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Codex_Eyckensis
Thank you a lot,
[[Suradnik:Line Raiff|Line Raiff]] <small>([[Razgovor sa suradnikom:Line Raiff|razgovor]])</small> 14:13, 30. ožujka 2017. (CEST)