Razgovor:Otvoreni kod

Zadnji komentar: DixonD, prije 14 godina u temi Interwiki synchronization
Ovo je stranica za razgovor za raspravu o poboljšanjima na članku Otvoreni kod.
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Interwiki synchronization


Hello! This article is a part of discussion about interlanguage link conflicts. You can help to resolve it by correctly identifying content of articles in those languages that you know at a good level. Also creating of appropriate local analogue of some of templates en:Template:Iwiki-conflict, de:Vorlage:Interwiki-Konflikt or uk:Шаблон:Інтервікі-конфлікт will be very great. If you have some further questions, please, left it on my talk page. Thanks for attention. --DixonD (razgovor) 13:46, 22. kolovoza 2009. (CEST)Odgovor

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