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Ovo je stranica za razgovor za raspravu o poboljšanjima na članku Pelješac.
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Tekst će biti ovdje dok ne ispuni minimalne uvjete za enciklopedijski članak. --Zmaj 08:40, 17. svibnja 2006. (CEST)Odgovor

Pelješac je s Istrom hrvatski poluotok.Nalazi se u Dubrovačko-neretvanskoj županiji.Najveća su naselja Ston,Orebić,Ponikve itd.Pelješac ima mnogo crkvi,osnovnih škola,igrališta i trgovina.


Poluotok Pelješac [1]

Najduži nakon Istre, poluotok Pelješac jedan je od najvećih na jadranskoj obali. od Stona do Lovišta po sjeverozapadnoj liniji dug je 65 kilometara. Veća i važnija naselja su Ston, Brijesta, Trpanj, Viganj i Orebić. Pelješke planine su lovačke baze bogate muflonima. Stanovnici žive od turizma, manufakturne proizvodnje vina dingač u Stonu i Potomju, te stočarstva i ribarstva. Radi se i na obradbi soli i kultiviranju školjkaša. Pelješac je divno mjesto s mnogo povijesnih crkava, sjajnih kraljevskih dvoraca (?!) i prvoklasnog vina.

Blizu prevlake, koja povezuje Pelješac s ostatkom kontinenta, nalaze si grad sa zidinanma koje je izgradila Republika u svrhu obrane poluotoka. Te zidine su gradili veliki arhitekti i poduzetnici: Michelozzo Miichelozzi, Juraj Dalmatinac i Onofrio Della Cava.

Orebić je mali grad smješten na južnom kraju pelješkog poluotoka, suprotno od otoka Korčule. Tu je poznata plaža Trstenica. Orebić posjeduje prekrasnu mediteransku vegetaciju (vrste ne znam prevesti). Tu se uvijek nalaze hoteli, apartmani, dvorci s mnogo prirode. Orebić je poznata nautička destinacija koja je dobila ime po kapetanskoj obitelji Orebića, iz 16. stoljeća.

Trpanj je mjesto i pristanište smješteno na sjevernoj obali Pelješca i stopalo sastanačkih mjesta (?!) Oštra i Vitlara. Trpanj je nastao na satanku, blizu ruševina srednjovjekovne tvrđave. To je prekrasno mjesto s divnim šljunačkim plažama i netaknutom prirodom, te savršeno mjesto za blagdansku relaksaciju s obitelji.

Viganj je malo mjesto što obiluje pustim šljunačkim plažama i divnim borovim šumama. Sjeveroistočno od Vignja je planina sv. Ilija koju posjetitelji iskoriste za dugo šetanje po prirodi.

Ston je malo naselje poznato po obradbi soli i farmama dagnji. Stonska obalna linija, duž kanala i s uvalom Papratnom, prekrasno je mjesto u kojem se posjetitelji kupaju, ribaju i rone. Ston posjeduje 980 metara duge zidine. Najveća tvrđava je Veliki Kastio uz obalnu liniju, gledano s mora granica solane. Taj veliki kompleks izgradili su Dubrovčani (od 1330. do 1506.). Stanovnici Stona su izgradili vinogradske ekspertize i posjetitelji tu piju vino, u mnogim gostionicama.

Mali Ston je smješten na ulazu u mali vodni otvor. Otvor u bristini i kanal u Malom Stonu služe za kultiviranje školjkaša. Mjesto je opasano zidinama. Ulice su vrlo pravilno sagrađene i raspoređene. U južnom dijelu mjesta, u godini 1347., izgrađena je uporišna zgrada s pet tornjeva, nazvanih Korunom. Velike zidine povezuju mjesto sa Stonom. Malostonska luka dovršena je godine 1490. Izgrađena je po uzoru na dubrovačku. Gosti nekad posjećuju manja mjesta na Pelješcu: Dubu, Crkvice, Trstenik, Žuljanu, Drače, Janjinu, Kunu, Oskorušno, Gornju Vrućicu, Potomje i Postup.


Peninsula Peljesac [1] Along with the Istrian peninsula, the Peljesac peninsula is one of the largest on the Adriatic coast. It stretches from the isthmus of Ston all the way to Cape Lovista in the northwest and it is 65km long. Some of its larger towns are Ston, Brijesta, Trpanj, Viganj, and Orebic. The Peljesac peninsula's mountains are known hunting grounds for mouflons. Its inhabitants mostly make their living off of tourism, wine-growing-manufacturing dingac wine in the wine cellars of Potomja and Ston, as well as stockbreeding and fishing. It is also known for its salt-works and cultivating seashells. Peljesac is a charming place thanks to its many historical churches, exquisite royal villas as well as its delicious first class wines. Stretching along the isthmus, which connects Peljesac to the mainland, are fortress walls which were built by the Republic and served to prevent access to the peninsula. These walls were built by the same architects and contractors who raised Dubrovnik's fortress walls: Michelozzo Miichelozzi, Juraj Dalmatinac and Onofrio Della Cava. Orebic is a small city and the most well-known located on the southern coastline of the Peljesac peninsula, opposite to the island of Korcula. Its most popular beach is Trstenica. Orebic is surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean vegetation: pine trees, almond trees and citrus trees. Here accommodations include everything from hotels, apartments and villas to more natural settings offered by its many campsites. Orebic was once an important nautical destination and it was named after a captain's family, Orebic, in the 16th century. Trpanj is a town and harbour located on the northern coast of [Peljesac] and at the foot of the summits Ostro and Vitar. Trpanj developed near villae rusticae and up on the summit lie the ruins of a medieval fortress. This wonderful town offers beautiful pebbled beaches, untouched nature and it is the perfect place to enjoy a relaxing holiday with the family. Peninsula Peljesac Along with the Istrian peninsula, the Peljesac peninsula is one of the largest on the Adriatic coast. It stretches from the isthmus of Ston all the way to Cape Lovista in the northwest and it is 65km long. Some of its larger towns are Ston, Brijesta, Trpanj, Viganj, and Orebic. The Peljesac peninsula's mountains are known hunting grounds for mouflons. Its inhabitants mostly make their living off of tourism, wine-growing-manufacturing dingac wine in the wine cellars of Potomja and Ston, as well as stockbreeding and fishing. It is also known for its salt-works and cultivating seashells. Peljesac is a charming place thanks to its many historical churches, exquisite royal villas as well as its delicious first class wines. Stretching along the isthmus, which connects Peljesac to the mainland, are fortress walls which were built by the Republic and served to prevent access to the peninsula. These walls were built by the same architects and contractors who raised Dubrovnik's fortress walls: Michelozzo Miichelozzi, Juraj Dalmatinac and Onofrio Della Cava. Orebic is a small city and the most well-known located on the southern coastline of the Peljesac peninsula, opposite to the island of Korcula. Its most popular beach is Trstenica. Orebic is surrounded by beautiful Mediterranean vegetation: pine trees, almond trees and citrus trees. Here accommodations include everything from hotels, apartments and villas to more natural settings offered by its many campsites. Orebic was once an important nautical destination and it was named after a captain's family, Orebic, in the 16th century. Trpanj is a town and harbour located on the northern coast of Peljesac and at the foot of the summits Ostro and Vitar. Trpanj developed near villae rusticae and up on the summit lie the ruins of a medieval fortress. This wonderful town offers beautiful pebbled beaches, untouched nature and it is the perfect place to enjoy a relaxing holiday with the family. [2] Viganj is a small town with lovely pebbled beaches and beautiful pine forests. Just north-east of Viganj is the mountain resort of St. Ilija where visitors can enjoy hiking and longs walks through nature. Ston is known for its salt-works and oyster farming. The town's coastline, which stretches down the canal and into the Papratna inlet, is a wonderful place where visitors can enjoy swimming, fishing and scuba diving. Ston is surrounded by a 980m long wall with fortifications. Ston's largest fortress is Veliki Kastio whose wall stretches along the town's coastline and, looking out towards the sea, borders with the salt-works. This large complex was built by the people of Dubrovnik (from the year 1330-1506). The people of Ston are also known for their wine making expertise and guests can verify them by visiting the town's many wine cellars and taverns. Mali Ston (Little Ston) is located in a small inlet. It is known for the cultivation of seashells within the Bristina inlet and the Mali Ston canal. The town is surrounded by fortress walls in the shape of a square and facing the harbour is the main entrance to the town. All of its streets were built at a right angle. On an elevation in the southern part of town, in the year 1347, the building of a stronghold, including five towers, began and later named Koruna. A great wall stretches from this stronghold to the town of Ston. The port of Mali Ston was completed in the year 1490. It was built to resemble the harbour of Dubrovnik and embedded in it are three arsenals which were used to store small warships. Guests can also take the time to visit some of the many smaller towns on the Peljesac peninsula such as Duba, Crkvice, Trstenik, Zuljana, Drace, Janjina, Kuna, Oskorusno, Gornja Vrucica, Potomje and Postup.

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