Stjepan II. Antiohijski

Patrijarh Antiohije

Stjepan II. (umro 479.) bio je patrijarh Antiohije[1] od 477. do svoje smrti.



Nepoznato je kada je Stjepan rođen. Postao je patrijarh 477. godine te je tako naslijedio Ivana II. Kodonata,[2] koji je protjeran nakon što je bio patrijarh tri mjeseca. Stjepan je ubijen 479.[3][4] te ga je naslijedio Kalandion.


  • Meyendorff, John. 1989. Imperial unity and Christian divisions: The Church 450-680 A.D. The Church in history. 2. St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. Crestwood, NY.

Izvori i bilješke

  1. István Perczel, Réka Forrai, György Geréby (2005). The Eucharist in Theology and Philosophy: Issues of Doctrinal History in East and West from the Patristic Age to the Reformation. Leuven University Press.
  2. A. Fortescue. The lesser eastern churches. str. 192.
  3. Aloys Grillmeier, Pauline Allen (1986). Christ in Christian Tradition: From the Council of Chalcedon (451) to Gragory the Great (590-604). Westminster John Knox Press.
  4. David A. Michelson (2014). The Practical Christology of Philoxenos of Mabbug. str. 10.