Suradnik:Tomislav Andrašec/Stranica za vježbanje

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Prostor za vježbanje

Teorija Eternal space time continuum

            The Eternal Theory        

Ova teorjia povezuje i razdvaja dvije osnovne teorije i dvije poveznice s njima - religioške i znastvene.

Eternal Theory comes from years of study in astrophysics and cross referencing with religious arguments that challenges both argument. its based on:

1st premise:

         The Big Bang - is where all matter came to be. Space and time was also created

2nd premise:

         Newton's Law that states that energy is eternal - it only tansformes

3rd premise:

         We are all made from energy. Pulse is cornerstone of everything day-night, heartbeat, star explodes - becomes dust - particles are gathering again into one single mass... and it all becomes a circle new sun is born with new planets. Eternal Theory uses that circle on universe scale
          The Eternal theory says that speculations are compelling about The Big Bang that created all and considering Hublle's discovery that galaxies are moving away from each other makes it possible to calculate universe existence from 13 billion years ago. but from that point its known that the galaxies are slowing down and they are reaching critical moving point which will mean that "reversing universes expansion at critical momentum point" will begin in far future and universe will condense it self in one infinitely small point with infinite energy and gravity thus resulting in a big bang - again....
           So as we go on with our lives  the time itself is slower day by day. Maybe the universe will expand so much that that the atom structure will tear and will plant 'H' and then 'He' and so on after another explosion we call The Big Bang.
                                                                                         The Eternal Theory by Tomislav Andrašec

Conclusion is that universe, current and all future and previous ones is/are eternal no matter in what size is currently E(f)= current state of universe