
Ovo je stranica za razgovor za raspravu o poboljšanjima na članku Vikinzi.
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ogroman članak, nije wikipediziran


Ima puno posla oko ovog članka, niti jedan wikilink nisam naša. Malo sam ga razbia u pasuse i sredia podnaslove, ali posla oko članka ima još jako puno. --Ante Perkovic 01:09, 25 July 2005 (CEST)

Mislim da stari članak baš i nije bio vrhunski pa sam odlučila početi ispočetka. Dio članka o brodovlju ću prebaciti na novu stranicu (Vikinški brodovi) jer nije loš. Zamjerke starom članku Vikinzi:- ponajmanje se govori o Vikinzima (oni nisu brodovi), neprovjerenost mnogih podataka, a neki potpuno krivi (npr. oni o ženama - vikinzice su imale puno više prava no ostale žene u srednjem vijeku). A i poneki izrazi nisu baš prikladni za enciklopedijski članak, na primjer "žene su bile neka vrst nižeg ljudskog bića, napola ropkinje a napola životinje za rasplod". Osobne frustracije ostavimo po strani.

Nadam se da je novi članak bolji, meni se osobno ne čini lošim, no, na suradnicima je da procijene. Dejana 14:30, 21. prosinca 2005. (CET)Odgovor

Bi li netko htio srediti slike koje se ne vide na ovom članku. Ja još nisam svladala postavljanje slika. I pliz, pogledajte moj razgovor, pitanje o slikama je upućeno svima (koji su upućeni) ;-) THNX, Dejana 15:14, 21. prosinca 2005. (CET)Odgovor

Your card on the expansion of the Vikings ... (green) is false.


Look at Normandy, there is even a date: 911. Map, submitted by Toony on 21 November 2007, replaced by a drawing card, for Fraalambert January 13 2008. Which are copies of cards and Territories voyage of the Vikings, the director Bogdan Giuşcă / Wikipedia in 2005. This map incorrect (protected by copyright [sic], only a wasteland into wishes! What about the ethics of seeking always Wikipedia references), it is a recovery in crude map page 56 of the album, "The Vikings" by Michael Gibson (Editions Nathan 1977), which is a bad rehash of the sise p. 129, in "The Vikings" (editions Hatier 1966), which is a truncated map of the original English edition of "The Vikings" (Watts & Co ed. 1966), including a study of Etienne de Beaurepaire & Jean Adigard des Gautries (which you can see an excellent 34 page copy of "Heimdal" No. 1), also well reproduced in "Die Wikinger Saga," p. 30, Rudolf Pörtner, ed. Econ Verlag GmbH 1971 & 1974 Arthème Fayard, and P. 11 "Heimdal" No. 16, p. 9 No. 29, & p. 20 "Viking Normandie, ed. Copernic 1979, Jean Mabire / Georges Bernage / Paul Fichet p.90 and "The Vikings" by Maurice Gravier ed. Lidis 1984. If you are keen on history, you know that the future (High) Normandy was "sold" to the head Rollon Vikings in 911, by the French King Charles the Simple, where the Vikings had indeed conquered skillfully on the French. But what do we see? The green color, which locates, is put on the (Lower) Normandy ... So why not take the good cards in such a choice of editions? This lack of serious historical présageait it a lack of knowledge on the part of editors and / or editors of Wikipedia. For it is only 924, that Raoul of Burgundy (king of France in 923/936), the successor of Robert I (922/923), himself a replacement for Charles the Simple (922 imprisoned for having "sold" Normandy Eastern stupidly called Haute-Normandie nowadays), is forced to turn to cede Normandy Western (stupidly called Lower Normandy today, disregarding that dialect Norman Bass mean "servant") to Rollon. QED! So: Remove this pseudo card, which is historically false, misleading and geographically. The (High) Normandy fortunately does not form part of the "Large" Paris. Thank you! This request is justified and will not be debated. Shortly chaut me that this card is from a truncated administrator; tors when it fades in and withdraw the pseudo card. Gwyonbach To Normandy

Ovo je wikipedija na hrvatskom pa ovaj nerazumljivi tekst trba obrisat. --Zeljko (razgovor) 22:48, 14. lipanj 2009. (CEST)
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