

[1] Maybe it was some other person of the same name, or the same person working in the other time of the year. Kubura (razgovor) 20:43, 4. rujna 2020. (CEST)Odgovor

@Kubura: To put it very politely: you are talking gross nonsense here! If you do not have proper proof, that Imre Pozsonyi was with Građanski in 1928, then you are just making things up. I know, where Pozsonyi was in 1928 and can proove it. I als would know, if there had been another guy with the same name around. It is because I work! You better invest your time in finding out who was the "trener" of Građanski then. Try a library! Oalexander (razgovor) 03:17, 5. rujna 2020. (CEST)Odgovor
Here is the official page of GNK Dinamo from Zagreb. [2]
"Prije dolaska novog velikog trenera, na klupi su bili Mantler i Kohn, a zatim dolazi mađarski trener Imre Poszonyi, nekad odličan igrač MTK iz Pešte a potom i trener velike Barcelone. Poszonyi nastavio je rad Gaskella, tako da je nadogradio momčad koja je pružila veće znanje i vještine. Poszonyi je isto kao i Gaskell osvojio naslov državnog prvaka (1926.)"
"Before the arrival of new great trainer, on the bench were Mantler and Kohn, and then comes Hungarian trainer Imre Pozsonyi, once excellent player of MTK from Pest and then the trainer of the great Barcelona. Pozsony continued the work of Gaskell, so he upgraded the team that offered bigger knowledge and skills. Pozsony, like Gaskell, won the title of state champion (1926)"
Do we speak about the same Imre Pozsonyi? Kubura (razgovor) 05:06, 5. rujna 2020. (CEST)Odgovor


This is Imre Poszonyi:
(there is only one)

  • 1921–1923 Cracovia
  • 1921 Poland
  • 1923 FC Barcelona
  • 1924 FC Barcelona
  • 1925 DFC Praha
  • 1925 Pécsi AC
  • 1926 Gradanski Zagreb
  • 1927–1928 Újpest FC
  • 1929 US Fiumana
  • 1930 Real Club España

He left Građanski in October 1926 after his working permit did not get renewed. After him followed Josef Brandstetter from Austria. He left already in January, because they did not or wanted not to pay him the same what Pozsonyi got: $ 120 per month, $ 15 per win plus free lodging. Documentation for all this you can find on these articles: de:Imre Poszonyi and de:Josef Brandstätter.

There is a strong possibility, that Građanski, a poor amateur club back then with a pretty bad sports-ground, did not have a coach before the arrival of Johann "Hans" Strnad (October 1930 - February 1931). A report in Sport-Tagblatt (Jugoslawien rüstet, Vienna, 16 February 1928, p. 2) says something like: "Gradanski is still, what real ability is concerned, the by far best side. One reckognises the 'real schooling', and if once again a coach will be taking the team to task the 'Citizens' will again be a high class team." After my brief examination I would say, it is highly likely, that Građanski did not have a coach from February 1927 to October 1930. Cheers & dobar dan! Oalexander (razgovor) 04:39, 6. rujna 2020. (CEST)Odgovor