please see m:User_talk:Oscar

Reaction by Kubura


Hi, Oscar.
Thank You for informing me that Wikipedia in Croatian doesn't need to choose its administrators.
And that doesn't need votes of 20-30 or more users to choose the admins, since it's obviously enough that one unsatisfied user (who's in conflict with me and who has personal attitude against me) expresses its wish on Meta [1]. And that that way he (and other attackers) can blatantly evade the procedure on (and whole community of users from Wikipedia), which might not end according to his (theirs) wishes. Because on, he (they) needs to explain his/theirs request to, and not just say "desysop him!". community has nominated me, community has given me the admin status, community 'll desysop me, if really wants that. That's the normal order of things.
Interestingly, why hasn't occured to you to desysop WizardOfOz, since he's involved?
Or Meta functions as Cardassian legal system, they blame you, and then you have to prove that you're not guilty?
Isti tekst na hrvatskom (ispričajen se ako se pojavidu razlike: engleski nije tako izražajan kao hrvatski).
Oskare, hvala ti što si mi dao do znanja da ne treba birati svoje administratore.
I da ne mora svaki put kada izabire administratore okupiti 20-30 ili više suradnika da bi ih izabralo, budući da je očigledno dostatno da samo jedan nezadovoljnik (koji je sa mnom u sukobu i koji ima osobni stav protiv mene) izrazi svoju želju [2] i da mu se udovoljava kad to zaželi. I na taj način drsko zaobiđe procedure na i mišljenje cijele zajednice suradnika na Jer ista ne bi mogla završiti kako bi on htjeo. A treba i obrazložiti zajednici svoj zahtjev, a ne tek tako reći "skinimo mu status". zajednica me predložila, zajednica mi je dodijelila taj status, zajednica će mi ga i oduzeti, ako to zaželi. To je pravilni red stvari.
Zanimljivo, je li ti palo na pamet da si mogao skinuti ovlasti WizardOfOz-u, budući da je umiješana strana?
Ili Meta funkcionira kao kardasijanski pravni sustav: okrive te, a onda ti moraš dokazat da nisi kriv? Kubura (razgovor) 02:57, 15. ožujka 2010. (CET)Odgovor

Handing decision to savages ? =


Oscar, you have jumped the gun on this one. Have you really made up a proper decision, or was based on who shouted the loudest. Isn't it great to be in a position of power, where you can deliver your dictate without opposition. Are we savages that need a noble colonial master to show us the right way or just little children that are not mature enough to sort out our own issues ? Vodomar (razgovor) 08:03, 15. ožujka 2010. (CET)Odgovor

Na hr wiki hrvackin zajikon


Bog daj! Ako si već zel sebi za pravo odlučivat ki je na hr wiki admin, a ki ni, onda biš mogal obavjestit hr wiki komun (zajednicu) na hrvackon zajiku da te razumeju. Ako ti je jimal ki prevest ča su Kubura i Wizard povedali na hrvackon, onda ti valda jima ki prevest i tih par besed s kin si se javil na hr wiki. Nikakov minimun krjance bi bil da kad se pride negdire kadi se govori nekin zajikon, prova se govorit tin zajikon, a ne da se cela kunpanija mora prilagođavat tebi.

Ako ne znaš standardni hrvacki, moreš se obratit meni na našen lipon čakavskon zajiku pa ću jin ja prevest na književni hrvacki. More i na čokavskon, a znal bin prevest i s cakavskog i čekavskog. Bog i se! --Bzmarko (razgovor) 00:45, 19. ožujka 2010. (CET)Odgovor

Undetermined decider


"It has been decided that stewards want to facilitate your polls on adminship by providing a Special:SecurePoll for hrwikipedia".
Who decided and when? Kubura (razgovor) 10:18, 19. ožujka 2010. (CET)Odgovor

About "temporary moratorium" and "Secure Poll".
You've said [3]"It has been decided". This is violating Stewards policy Transparency .
You've said "stewards want to facilitate your polls ". This is violating Stewards policy Don't decide. Stewards do not make decisions...Their task is to implement valid community consensus. Kubura (razgovor) 16:34, 28. ožujka 2010. (CEST)Odgovor

About desysopping:
Stewards policy:
Don't decide "Stewards do not make decisions, such as whether a user should (or should not) be promoted. Their task is to implement valid community consensus [4] ".
"Stewards should always be neutral..., but when executing the result of the election the steward has to act according to the result [5], even if they disagree. "
Transparency "When a community asks that rights be changed, a link should be provided to the page where the action was discussed and agreed upon by the community.". Kubura (razgovor) 16:34, 28. ožujka 2010. (CEST)Odgovor

Very simple questions ...



When you don't have answers, you allways answer with questions, are you? Sorry, but this is pretty childish! I didn't even think that these bureaucratic and forcibly imposed decisions are fair! This is just expression of power, without possibility for the reasoned objection! And opinion of users with conflict of interest are much more relevant then the argumented requests?!
Thanks for your time!--Jure Grm, 27. dana mjeseca ožujka, godine Gospodnje dvijetisućedesete u 11:00.

Hi, Oscar. I've posted this one on your Meta talkpage also [6], on 13:40, 30 March 2010.
Please, open the page meta:Requests_for_comment/Croatian_Wikipedia-misuse_of_admin_tools_by_User:Kubura and type ctrl+F
Thogo asked those question on 13 March 2010 in 12:32 [7]:
1)    What exactly is the reason for the block (diff links please!)?
04:33, 12 March 2010 [8] "...WizardOfOz's attacks on admins, bureaucrats and checkusers on [9] [10] [11]"
11:30, 17 March 2010 [12] "Reasons for the block are in these edits in [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18]. These links contain more diffs."
12:39, 17 March 2010 [19] "Thogo, those links contain more diffs. Have you checked them?"
2)    Why do you think the block needs to be indefinite?
11:30, 17 March 2010 [20] "Second: why indefinite? WizardOfOz's attacking behaviour towards the admins and checkusers on There're also the elements of trolling. He was insignificant contributor in the mainspace, so no loss for"
12:29, 17 March 2010 [21] ", have you noticed that you haven't said a thing about WizardOfOz's attacking behaviour on These messages were harassing of those users..."
12:39, 17 March 2010 [22] "Thogo, those links contain more diffs. Have you checked them?"
3)    Who else took part in this decision?
03:28, 8 March 2010 [23] "The decision for blocking him was exclusively my decision"
11:30, 17 March 2010 [24] "Third: who took part in this decision? For the third time: it was solely me"
These questions were already answered and explained on this page hr:Razgovor_sa_suradnikom:WizardOfOz#Troliranje,_napadi_i_omalovažavanje and this page hr:Wikipedija:Zahtjev za mišljenje administratora/Arhiv4 (here were also discussed by admins). Before Thogo's question and WizardOfOz started RfC. And on your Meta talkpage [25] on 04:35, 15 March 2010.
Please, read the answers. Kubura (razgovor) 15:49, 30. ožujka 2010. (CEST)Odgovor