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Future Perfect at Sunrise, dobro došli na Wikipediju na hrvatskom jeziku, započetu 16. veljače 2003. godine – slobodnu enciklopediju!

Pozivamo vas na sudjelovanje u rastu ove svima dostupne enciklopedije na hrvatskom standardnom jeziku.

Ovdje su neke od stranica koje bi vam mogle pomoći:

  • Wikipedija − što je Wikipedija, povijest i organizacija projekta
  • Wikiusvajanje − pronađite mentora koji će vam pomoći u snalaženju na Wikipediji
  • Izvori − kako uspješno činiti Wikipediju boljom!
  • Slikeobvezno pročitati prije postavljanja bilo kakvih slika

Ako želite vježbati možete to raditi na stranici za vježbanje, u slučaju da vam zatreba pomoć učinite slijedeće:

Svoje doprinose na člancima ne potpisujte, dok komentare na pripadajućim stranicama za razgovor, suradničkim stranicama i Kafiću molimo potpisujte tako što ćete pritisnuti gumbić ili na alatnoj vrpci ili napisati 4 tilde (tilda = 4x istovremeno tipke AltGr + tipka s brojem 1), što kod uređivanja izgleda ovako ~~~~.
Vlastitu suradničku stranicu (onu koja se zove "Suradnik:vaše ime") možete uređivati po svojoj želji u skladu s pravilima uređivanja suradničke stranice (npr. asketski ili šminkerski).

Molimo Vas, ne stavljajte zaštićene radove bez dopuštenja! Nemojte izravno kopirati sadržaje s drugih web stranica ako nemate izričito dopuštenje. Ako imate dopuštenje, napišite to na stranici za razgovor ili jednostavno dodajte ovdje. No, obvezno to napravite prije nego započnete s pisanjem preuzetog teksta. Molimo uočite da se svi doprinosi Wikipediji smatraju dualno licencirani, pod Creative Commons Imenovanje-Dijeli pod istim uvjetima 3.0 i GFDL licencijom. Ako ne želite da se vaše pisanje nemilosrdno uređuje i slobodno raspačava, nemojte ga ovamo slati. Također nam obećavate da ćete ono što ćete napisati sami napisati, ili ćete to prepisati iz nečeg što je u javnom vlasništvu ili pod sličnom slobodnom licencijom.

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Još jednom, dobro došli! Kubura (razgovor) 05:32, 15. listopada 2011. (CEST)Odgovor



Can you explain your edits here [1]? Kubura (razgovor) 05:33, 15. listopada 2011. (CEST)Odgovor

Sure. Please see en:Wikipedia:Long-term abuse/Wikinger for some background. "Wikinger" is the guy with the many 83.* and 79.191.* IPs who was also on your user talk page yesterday. He is a cross-project vandal who has been spreading a campaign of systematic sneaky vandalism (misinformation) on the obscure topic of marginal characters of the Greek script. Since his vandalism had spread so far across all projects, it's been necessary for someone to go throus all these different projects trying to clean up after him.
The concrete changes in this [2] edit were motivated as follows:
  • The three symbols "Stigma Ϛϛ · Heta Ͱͱ · Šo Ϸϸ" are extremely marginal and don't really belong into a listing of the Greek alphabet. "Stigma" isn't an alphabetic letter at all (it is partly a numerical sign, like "12345", partly a stylistic ligature, like "ff, fi,ſt"; none of these are "letters"). "Sho" was never a letter of Greek, only of the unrelated language Bactrian. "Ͱ" was used as a variant of Η in some (very few) dialects of Greek (for a very brief time), but the name "heta" is anachronistic (for those ancient Greek speakers who used this character, "heta" was still the name for the standard letter "Η"), and there is no indication people would ever have considered this sign a separate element of the alphabet.
  • I have no objections if these three marginal signs are listed somewhere as "other characters" or the like, but I gathered that "Drugogrčko" isn't a word in Croatian (what would it mean, "Othergreek"? Since when is "Othergreek" a language?). Wikinger made this heading up, because he is obsessed with these marginal letters and wanted to cram them in at all costs. Since I didn't know how to correct the heading, it was better to remove these three dubious entries altogether; they are of hardly any value and don't have articles anyway.
  • I removed the name "disigma" because it's a phantom name that has never been used. It was erroneously mentioned on one website (not a reliable source) as being an old name that was used for the character "sampi" at some point in the 19th century, but I've looked at a lot of old literature and can't find any evidence of its use anywhere at all. It was then included in Wikipedia by some well-meaning editors who relied on that website. Then Wikinger came and somehow decided that it must be not only some marginal synonym but the character's principal name, so he went and changed the naming from "sampi" to "disigma" in every Wikipedia project he could find.
  • About the uppercase and lowercase forms: these archaic characters don't really have uppercase/lowercase pairs, because they were used only in antiquity when lowercase didn't exist. "San" (Ϻ) has a lowercase variant that was only invented a few years ago for the purpose of listing it in Unicode, but it's never ever been used in the literature outside the Unicode code charts and outside of Wikipedia. So, while not strictly speaking wrong, listing it is unnecessary. Ϙ and Ͳ likewise have marginal (purely modern) lowercase forms, but what is much more important about them is that they have numeric variant forms (ϟ and ϡ respectively), which at least in the case of the latter are in fact much more prominent and important than the old epigraphic shape Ͳ, so it is more useful for the reader to give an "epigraphic shape + numeric shape" pair rather than an "uppercase + lowercase" pair in the navbox.
Future Perfect at Sunrise (razgovor) 08:54, 15. listopada 2011. (CEST)Odgovor

An appeal


Can I ask you one more thing? It's kind of official. Kubura (razgovor) 04:46, 16. listopada 2011. (CEST)Odgovor

Yes, what? Future Perfect at Sunrise (razgovor) 08:13, 16. listopada 2011. (CEST)Odgovor